Block 506 Hougang Ave 8 (Image: Google Map)

The Ministry of Health (MOH) has announced that residents at Block 506 Hougang Avenue 8 will all have to be tested for COVID-19, after after a few cases were found to be living there.

It said on Thursday (20 May) that the mandatory testing operation will be conducted at the void deck of the block on Friday and Saturday. An SMS notification will be sent to them, apart from leaflets that will be distributed.

Residents living in the block are advised to monitor their health closely and consult a doctor immediately if they feel unwell.

Apart from this announcement, MOH also announced the passing of a 70-year-old man who died of COVID-19 on Thursday.

This brings the total number of deaths to 32.

According to MOH, the man had been warded in Tan Tock Seng Hospital’s Ward 9D on April 22, and was confirmed to have COVID-19 on 30 April.

The man had not been vaccinated against COVID-19 and had a history of lung cancer and atrial fibrillation.

The National Centre for Infectious Diseases has contacted his family and is helping them.

According to past records, the man is classified as Case 62687 and part of the cluster at TTSH.

He was tested negative for COVID-19 on 28 April while warded at TTSH as part of the testing of staff and patients who have been in the affected wards.

He was transferred to NCID on 28 April. On 30 April, he developed fever and shortness of breath, and was tested again. This time, his test result came back positive for COVID-19 infection. His serology test result had come back negative.

Following MOH’s announcement, TTSH posted on its Facebook page saying that the man was admitted to the hospital with advanced cancer for palliative care management.

It wrote: “His condition deteriorated over the last few days despite treatment for his infection and underlying medical conditions.” and extended its deepest condolences to his loved ones.

As of Thursday, the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed an additional 41 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore, bringing the total number of infection cases to 61,730.

There are 27 new cases of locally transmitted COVID-19 infection, of whom 21 are linked to previous cases, and six are currently unlinked. There were also 14 imported cases who had been placed on stay-home notice on arrival in Singapore.



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