On 11 April, the Ministry of Health (MOH) classified a COVID-19 case of an Indian national as an unlinked dormitory case. The man was first identified to have COVID-19 on 10 Apr and resides in a dormitory. He is a lashing worker with the Seafront Support Company Pte Ltd, and works at the Pasir Panjang Terminal.

Curiously, this case is a community case as he had not recently travelled into Singapore from India, and he did not contract the disease from there. He was clearly infected here in Singapore. This makes him the first COVID-19 infection reported in a foreign worker dormitory in six weeks since the last dormitory case on 28 February.

According to the MOH, the Indian national received his first dose of COVID-19 vaccine on 25 Jan, and the second dose on 17 Feb. On 7 Apr, he was tested as part of Rostered Routine Testing (RRT).

His pooled test result came back positive for COVID-19 the next day and was immediately isolated. He was tested again on 9 Apr, and his test result came back positive for COVID-19 on 10 Apr.

He was subsequently conveyed in an ambulance to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases. His earlier tests from RRT – the last being on 24 March – were all negative for COVID-19 infection. MOH assessed that the Indian national was likely to have been infected even though he has already been vaccinated.

This case remains unlinked as the MOH as been unable to track down where he might have been reinfected.

Three subsequent cases linked to Pasir Panjang Terminal

More than two weeks later, or 18 days specifically, the MOH announced that a Myanmar national working as a stevedore at Pasir Panjang Terminal and Brani Terminal and was confirmed to have COVID-19 on 28 April.

Two days later on 30 April, an Indian national working as a stevedore at Pasir Panjang Terminal and was confirmed to have COVID-19 on 30 April.

Then just yesterday (5 May), yet another community case was announced, also linked to the same location. This was the sole community case in Singapore that day.

The person who contracted the COVID-19 virus is a 59 year-old Singaporean who is employed by GKE Express Logistics Pte Ltd. He works as a trailer truck driver at Brani Terminal and Pasir Panjang Terminal and has been linked to previous cases also working at those terminals.

The Singaporean developed a fever and sore throat on 2 May. The next day, he sought medical treatment at a clinic and was tested for COVID-19. His result came back positive on 4 May, and he was conveyed in an ambulance to Alexandra Hospital.

Now that several cases have been linked to the Pasir Panjang Terminal, the question is how did the Indian national become reinfected in the first place?

The Indian national has not been allowed to travel freely around the country due to prevailing strict safety measures implemented on migrant worker dormitories, meaning that he could have only caught the virus either at the Pasir Panjang Terminal or the dormitory he lives in.

But if there had not been any other cases of infection in the Indian national’s dormitory, and that he had been the earliest case found among the cluster, where could he have gotten infected?



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【选举】行动党竞选宣言 称保障国人工作共渡难关

人民行动党秘书长李显龙宣布竞选宣言,主要专注于协助国人在度过冠状病毒19疫情这一大难关,并喊出口号“守护生命、保障工作、共创未来(Our Lives,Our Jobs,Our Future)”. 李显龙总理今早(6月27日)在行动党脸书专页公布竞选宣言,包括重启经济、推动我国经济转型、保障国人职业、拯救企业及提升员工技能。 他指出,若在平常的大选中,该党的竞选宣言将着重在我国的重大发展项目上,如建设裕廊湖区、樟宜机场第五搭客大厦、年长者医疗保健及增建学前教育等。 “但是,今年大选和以往不同,我国面临着数十年来的最严重危机,我国政府的首要任务就确保能够度过此难关。” 他表示,因此行动党的竞选宣言将焦点放在保障国人和外籍客工们的安全,确保我国医疗体系能够挺过这次的疫情。 他补充道,竞选宣言的重点,也包括为了共同度过目前的不确定性和危机,彼此在互助互爱下应采取的措施。


根据新加坡麦当劳文告,该公司有五名员工确诊患上冠状病毒19,受影响分店都必须暂时关闭直至另行通知,并进行消毒和清理工作。 这些员工分别在四家分店工作:LIDO、百灵(Parklane)、富临广场(Forum Galleria),以及芽笼东中路分店。 LIDO麦当劳有两名员工确诊,其中一人上月30日才被分配到该分店,最后一次上班时本月2日,隔日因发烧和喉咙痛症状求医;8日再看医生,被安排接受拭子检测。 另一人最后一天上班则是zai1本月3日,7日因关节疼痛和肌肉酸痛求医。 第三位确诊员工则在百灵麦当劳工作,最后一天工作是在本月8日,但他在上月30、本月日、3日和6日,被安排到LIDO分店工作。第四位则是第三例的室友,在富临广场分店工作。 第五例则在芽笼东中路分店工作,本月8日最后一次上班,隔日因发烧求医,被转介到医院接受测检测。 据了解目前该公司确诊员工已留院隔离治疗,而四家分店内其他员工也需自行隔离和领14天缺席假。