Source: Lee LiMeng & Tan Min-Liang / LinkedIn

Renowned gaming and fintech firm Razer is looking to hire for about 1,000 positions in its newly-built Southeast Asia headquarters in Singapore.

The founder and chief executive officer of the company, Tan Min-Liang, took to his LinkedIn on Monday (1 Feb) to reveal about the upcoming mass recruitment.

“We’ll be hiring for about 1,000 positions for our new SEA HQ in Singapore so do follow the Razer Inc. LinkedIn account!” he wrote.

It is, however, unclear what type of positions will be available, and whether they will be full-time, contract, or temporary roles.

In his post, Mr Tan also shared a front-view image of the new headquarters building, showcasing Razer’s iconic triple-headed acid green snakes logo illuminating at the top.

“Just went to check out the placement of the logo again to make sure the team got it right – and its up!” he wrote.

Source: Tan Min-Liang / LinkedIn

The Hong Kong-listed company first announced its plans for the regional headquarters back in December 2018.

The grand opening of the newly-built headquarters, located at one-north technology business park, will be launched in April 2021.

With an estimated worth of S$100 million, the new headquarters have seven storeys with about 19,300 square metres of office space, which includes research and development laboratories and design studios.

The new headquarters was initially expected to be move-in ready by mid-2020.

Currently, Razer’s office is located in Chai Chee industrial estate.

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