Why did the otters cross the road? To get to the otter side. 🤭

A family of otters almost fell victim to roadkill when attempting to cross the busy Orchard Road.

In a nail-bitting video shared on Nature Society (Singapore) Facebook group on Sunday (24 Jan), a family of more than 10 otters can be seen slowly making their way across the four-lane road.

Starting off at the pavement opposite the entrance of the Istana, the otters were forced to turned back a number of times due to being cut off by several oncoming vehicles.

At the same time, many of the vehicles had to slow down or even switch lanes to avoid ploughing into them.

After several unsuccessful attempts, the otters finally got a chance to make a break for it as few lanes were cleared up for a bit.

However, they came very close to being run over by a speeding taxi near the opposite side of the road as they were scurrying across.

Thankfully, the taxi managed to hit the brakes in the nick of time.

The 48-second video draws to a close with the family of otters safe and sound at the lawn outside the Istana.

Watch the video here:

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