Record 24 imported COVID-19 cases detected since after circuit breaker; one third from India

Record 24 imported COVID-19 cases detected since after circuit breaker; one third from India

The Ministry of Health (MOH) reported a total of 24 new imported coronavirus cases yesterday (17 Dec).

Of the 24 imported cases, 23 are asymptomatic. There were no new community cases and none from workers’ dormitories.

This is the highest number of imported cases since Singapore ended its circuit breaker measures on 1 Jun.

The latest cases were placed on stay-home notices on arrival in Singapore, said MOH. The breakdown of the 24 is as follows:

Traveled from

  • India (8) – 3 SC, 3 PR, 1 SP, 1 E/SP (IN)
  • Indonesia (6) – 1 SC, 2 PR, 2 WP, 1 SPP
  • UK (6) – 1 SC, 1 PR, 4 DP
  • France (1) – DP
  • Austria (1) – SC
  • Myanmar (1) – SC
  • Maldives (1) – E/SP (IN)
SC – Singapore Citizen
PR – Permanent Resident
DP – Dependant’s Pass
E/SP – Work Pass
WP – Work Permit
SP – Student Pass
SPP – Special Pass

Among the 24 imported cases, one third came from India. Two are Indian nationals holding work pass – either Employment Pass or S Pass.

One of the imported cases is a crew member of a ship that arrived from Indonesia. The special pass holder did not disembark from the ship and was sent to the hospital directly after he developed symptoms last Tuesday (Dec 10).

As of yesterday, there were a total of 33 patients still remained in hospitals. Globally, more than 1.6 million people have died from COVID-19.

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