DPM Heng Swee Keat toasts to frontline workers as part of #toast2uchallenge

DPM Heng Swee Keat toasts to frontline workers as part of #toast2uchallenge

In a Facebook video on Sunday (6 Dec), Deputy Prime Minister (DPM) Heng Swee Keat extended a toast to all frontline workers in Singapore who have been working tirelessly in the battle against COVID-19.

This is part of the #toast2uchallenge, which is an initiative by nEbO Young NTUC U Heart 2020, supported by NTUC Income.

“Thank you to all our frontline workers who have been working hard to keep Singapore and all our people in Singapore safe,” said Mr Heng in the 16-second video, before toasting with a glass of what appears to be black coffee.

However, he did not take a sip of his drink, but merely pass the drink on to the next person who takes up the #toast2Uchallenge.

Meanwhile, in the caption of the post, Mr Heng, who is also the Finance Minister, commended the selflessness and commitment of the frontline workers.

“Your selflessness and commitment have shone through as you bravely care for those affected and give in your all to contain the spread of the virus. You are an inspiration to all of us! My sincere thanks to each and every one of you,” he wrote.

Mr Heng went on to nominate his East Coast Group Representation Constituency (GRC) teammates – Dr Maliki Osman, Tan Kiat How, Jessica Tan Soon Neo, and Cheryl Chan – to take part in the #toast2Uchallenge.

“I will also like to encourage others to join this meaningful initiative by uploading your own video post,” he added.

What is the #toast2Uchallenge? How is it done?

The #toast2uchallenge is an initiative by nEbO Young NTUC U Heart 2020, which is supported by NTUC Income.

For every #toast2U #toast2Uchallenge hashtag, NTUC Income will pledge S$2 to the NTUC- U Care Fund, which helps low-income members and their families through various assistance programmes to defray their cost of living and children’s school expenses, as well as members whose livelihood had been affected by COVID-19.

When a person is nominated on social media:

  1. All they need to do is record themselves “receiving” the drink from the person who nominated them, and give a toast accompanied by a note of appreciation in the post.
  2. “Pass” the drink on by nominating two others – or more.
  3. Tag U Heart (@UHeartsg) in the post so it can keep track of the donations.

For those who are keen on participating, do not forget to make your public.

Many other People’s Action Party politicians took part in the #toast2Uchallenge

Besides DPM Heng, many other People’s Action Party (PAP) politicians took part in the #toast2Uchallenge.

This include:

  • Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong
  • Minister for Trade and Industry Chan Chun Sing
  • Speaker of the Parliament Tan Chuan-Jin
  • Minister for Manpower Josephine Teo
  • Minister for Transport Ong Ye Kung
  • Minister for Sustainability and the Environment Grace Fu
  • Minister of State in the Ministry for Education (MOE) and Ministry for Social and Family Development (MSF) Sun Xueling
  • Minister of State in the Ministry for Trade and Industry (MTI) and Ministry for Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) Low Yen Ling
  • Senior Minister of State in the Ministry for National Development (MND) and Ministry for Communications and Information (MCI) Sim Ann
  • Senior Minister of State in the MCI and Ministry of Health (MOH) Janil Puthucheary
  • Senior Minister of State in the Ministry for Defence and Ministry for Manpower (MOM) Zaqy Mohamad
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