Exactly 4 months have passed from today (10 Nov) since the 2020 General Election (GE) was held on 10 Jul. For the first time, the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) lost 2 GRCs, namely, Aljunied and Sengkang GRCs to the opposition.

During the GE period, Singaporean voters came to know of a Ivan Lim, the controversial candidate introduced by PAP.

His candidacy was announced on 26 Jun by PAP. He is a General Manager at Keppel Offshore & Marine and was slated to contest in Jurong GRC. Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat even praised Lim saying that he has had a very unusual journey in his education.

During the introduction, Lim told the media, “I chose to serve with PAP because the PAP values and attributes are close to my heart. In particular, being compassionate, and also being self-reliant on the ground.”

But not long thereafter, stories of his past started to surface (‘Online comments emerge that PAP new candidate Ivan Lim allegedly a “How Lian” character‘).

A Facebook user, Bryant Wong, shared that Lim was allegedly the commanding officer of his battalion and would speak “using a condescending voice” to tell others not to step into the air-conditioned tentage that he was using. “His action and speech were simply that of an elitist,” Mr Wong wrote.

“There were other instances during Battalion briefings where he would always [pepper] the briefings with his personal achievement (how he is a GM at shipyard, how many people reporting to him at work, etc).”

“He [Mr Lim] was never well liked by the soldiers and commanders of the Battalion due to his constant ‘humble brag’ and driving around camp in his expensive cars,” Mr Wong further noted. “So now he is going into politics to represent the ordinary folks in Parliament. With his character and personality – will he?”

Other netizens commented that Lim’s alleged “bad character” can be found all over on Facebook with negative remarks supposedly coming from his poly classmates, colleagues at Keppel as well as people serving with him during NS and reservist days. Some opined that he was a “shame” to PAP.

PM Lee: PAP will investigate

As online chatter over Lim dramatically rose, PAP suddenly announced on 27 Jun that Lim has withdrawn from contesting in 2020 GE. Two days later on 29 Jun, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong told everyone that PAP will investigate the allegations against Lim after GE.

“I don’t think that should be the end of the matter because we can’t let such serious things be said about somebody and have somebody live with the cloud permanently hanging over him (with) a question mark. I think it would be unfair to Ivan,” he said.

“It sets a very damaging precedent that you can condemn somebody and write him off on the basis of an internet campaign. We don’t have time to settle it now, but we can’t simply write off and destroy people like this.”

“So, after the elections, the party will investigate the veracity of allegations against Ivan and we will come to a view on the matter,” he added.

Still, PM Lee said he has confidence in the PAP’s recruitment process and his party’s candidates.

In the recent GE, PAP’s percentage share of valid votes dropped considerably from 69.9% in 2015 GE to 61.2% in the recent one.

If Lim had not withdrawn from 2020 GE, he would likely be an MP in Jurong GRC by now, since he was contesting together with the popular PAP minister Tharman at Jurong GRC.

In any case, nothing has been heard publicly about any investigations by the PAP into those allegations against Lim.

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【选举】准候选人介绍完毕 行动党明天宣布竞选宣言

人民行动党今天(6月26日)透过线上记者会,进行了两场准候选人介绍会,并将于明天宣布竞选宣言。 今早的首场记者会上,行动党副主席马善高介绍了四名准候选人。 他们分别是职总就业与职能培训中心(e2i)副总裁颜晓芳(46岁)、律师事务所董事杨陞才(41岁)、新加坡飞机机械服务有限公司(SAESL)项目管理办公室与策略部副总裁沙礼尔(39岁)、心禾(ROHEI)企业培训学院总裁兼创办人以及非盈利组织Trybe主席王心妍(47岁)。其中,颜晓芳也是我国第一位女准将,在空军拥有25年的经验,于今年3月卸下空军参谋长的职务。 在第二场也是最后一场准候选人介绍会上,由行动党第二助理秘书长陈振声主持,介绍了另外四名准候选人。 他们分别为Jingslink Marketing Pte Ltd市场总监的陈惠意(44岁)、慈善组织Daughters of Tomorrow Limited执行董事的陈澮敏(38岁)、淡马锡控股企业发展集团董事黄伟中(38岁)、以及波士顿咨询集团董事总经理兼合伙人佳馥梅(Mariam Jaafar,43岁)。其中陈惠意曾于上届大选中,以新人之姿被介绍给媒体,但是最终无缘参选阿裕尼集选区,目前已经在实龙岗担任支部主席六年了。…

新加坡与国际机构紧密合作 研发新疫苗对付新冠

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淡马亚人物专访(续)– 倡议多党多元声音 “一党独大如恐龙般将灭绝”

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