Source: ICA

An attempt to smuggle in a total of 1,981 cartons and 2,780 packets of assorted duty-unpaid cigarettes on Thursday (22 Oct) was foiled by the Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA).

In a Facebook post on Tuesday (27 Oct), the ICA stated that the prohibited items were hidden within the modified floorboard of a Malaysia-registered lorry transporting precast concrete into Singapore.

“The cigarettes were uncovered when an eagle-eyed ICA officer noticed tell-tale indicators of tampering when checking the vehicle,” said the authority.

The case was then referred to the Singapore Customs for investigations.

The ICA asserted that this method of concealment is a cause for concern as similar methods may be used by people with ill-intent to smuggle security items into Singapore, adding that it will continue to conduct security checks on passengers, goods, and vehicles so as to safeguard Singapore’s security.

Under the Customs Act, any person who fails to declare, or make an incorrect declaration of taxable goods, can be compounded up to S$5,000, or charged in Court, depending on the severity of the offence.

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禁食期间欲进食被阻 男病患与医生保安起冲突

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尚达曼:未来一年面对艰巨挑战 放眼未来一年创造10万就业与培训机会

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