Source: Singapore CAAS youtube

Users of certain unmanned aircraft (UA) – such as radio-controlled aircraft, drones and remote-controlled kites – are required to go through training and pass an exam to acquire a license, said the Civil Aviation Authority of Singapore (CAAS) on Tuesday (13 Oct).

Currently, any UA weighing more than 250g must be registered with the CAAS and an operating permit is required to use UA for business as well as those operating beyond visual line-of-sight.

In addition to the current requirement, the CAAS said UA users will need to have a training certificate to fly their equipment in the city-state – an unmanned aircraft basic training certificate and an unmanned aircraft pilot license.

The basic training certificate is for users who fly UA weighing over 1.5kg and 7kg for recreational or educational purposes.

While the pilot license is required for users who fly UA in the course of their business or for purposes that are not recreational or educational.

CAAS noted that the applicant must be 16 years old and above, adding that the applicant will have to undergo a theory test followed by a practical assessment.

Applicants can self-study or attend a training course conducted by a CAAS-approved UA Training and Assessment Organisation to pass the test and assessment.

“Any person who does not obtain a UABTC (certificate) or a UAPL (licence) as required is liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding S$50,000 or to imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, or to both, for the first offence,” it added that the penalties for repeated offences would be doubled.

Those who failed to produce a valid permit for verification by a CAAS enforcement officer may be fined up to S$20,000 for the first offence.

They can be fined up to S$40,000 or be jailed for 15 months, or both, for subsequent offences.

Meanwhile, the civil authority also encouraged users to start applying for the certificate or license via its official website.


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