Dr Chee Soon Juan thanks everyone for support and kind wishes after his mother’s passing

Dr Chee Soon Juan thanks everyone for support and kind wishes after his mother’s passing

Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) secretary-general Dr Chee Soon Juan took to his Facebook earlier today (25 Aug) to thank everyone for their condolences and kind wishes following the passing of his mother recently.

“I want to thank all of you for your condolences and kind wishes during this time of the demise of my mother,” Dr Chee wrote.

“In return, I wish all of you the best in health. Take care, everyone,” he added.

Last Friday (21 Aug), Dr Chee announced on his Facebook that his mother had passed away that very morning. He noted that she is “no longer in pain” after enduring a “difficult period” in recent months.

In his post, he shared two pictures of his mother and him. One of the pictures was taken after his National Service (NS) graduation parade some years back.

In the picture, his mother can be seen wearing a sarong kebaya. According to Dr Chee, she is of Peranakan descent.

“I love her dearly and I miss her. May she rest in peace,” he remarked.

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