MOH confirms 158 new cases of COVID-19 infection; Total tally at 45,298

MOH confirms 158 new cases of COVID-19 infection; Total tally at 45,298

As of Wednesday noon (8 July), the Ministry of Health (MOH) has confirmed an additional 158 cases of COVID-19 infection in Singapore.

This brings the total number of infection cases to 45,298.

There are nine cases in the community. Of these, four are Singaporeans/Permanent Residents, while five others are Work Pass holders.

In addition, there are three imported cases, all of whom had been placed on Stay-Home Notice upon arrival in Singapore.

MOH shared that the vast majority of the new cases are Work Permit holders residing in dormitories.

One new cluster identified

  1. One of the newly confirmed cases is linked to eight previous cases to form a new cluster at a dormitory at 12 Kian Teck Crescent.

Update on condition of confirmed cases

321 more cases of COVID-19 infection have been discharged from hospitals or community isolation facilities. In all, 41,323 have fully recovered from the infection and have been discharged from hospitals or community care facilities.

There are currently 215 confirmed cases who are still in the hospital. Of these, most are stable or improving, and 1 is in critical condition in the intensive care unit. 3,734 are isolated and cared for at community facilities. These are those who have mild symptoms or are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19.

26 have passed away from complications due to COVID-19 infection.

Case 45227, a 69-year-old male Singaporean, has passed away on 7 July 2020. He had been found unresponsive at his place of residence and was conveyed to Sengkang General Hospital’s emergency department on 7 July. He was confirmed to have COVID-19 infection on the same day. He had a history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, hypothyroidism and chronic kidney disease. The preliminary cause of death is a cardiorespiratory failure, pending further investigations by the Coroner.

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