On Saturday (27 June), the Singapore People’s Party (SPP)’s candidates for the upcoming General Election (GE) had conducted their outreach activities, meeting the residents during their walkabout at Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC.

“We connected with the residents today, and have been doing the same consistently in the past,” said the Party’s Secretary-General Steve Chia on his Facebook yesterday.

Mr Chia, who will be contesting at Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC, asserted that the Party will commit to serve the constituency by means of action instead of just sitting in Parliament.

“This is our promise to our residents. We may not have fancy PR campaigns or elite industry leader candidates.

“What we do have is our hearts, actions and dedication to the people of Singapore. We’re the Singapore People’s Party!” he remarked.

The Party’s other three candidates for Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC – Vice-Chairman Williiamson Lee, as well as member Khan Osman Sulaiman and Melvyn Chiu – were also seen in the photos of the walkabout posted by Mr Chia.

After the walkabout, Mr Chia took to his Facebook once again to thank the residents for their warm welcome.

“All Smiles // Another day of outreach in Toa Payoh. Thank you to all residents for the warm welcome! #passiontoserve @ Toa Payoh, Singapore,” he wrote.

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