People’s Voice meets residents of Mountbatten SMC and Jalan Besar GRC on Sunday morning

People’s Voice meets residents of Mountbatten SMC and Jalan Besar GRC on Sunday morning

On Sunday morning (28 June), the People’s Voice (PV) visited the residents of Mountbatten SMC, said the Party’s chief Lim Tean on his Facebook.

“We were at Old Airport Rd and our team covered 3 blocks meeting residents, listening to their stories and opinions and then sharing our message for Making Singapore Our Home Again,” Mr Lim wrote.

He thanked the residents of Mountbatten, adding that the Party will carry on the community visit tomorrow evening (29 June).

In another post, Mr Lim also revealed that PV’s members Daniel Lee and Prabu Ramachandra have met the residents in Jalan Besar GRC earlier this morning.

He included a video in his post, showing both Mr Lee and Mr Prabu distributing flyers and name cards to the patrons at the food court.

Mr Lim also noted that PV’s slogan of “Putting People First” is about listening to the common people every day and giving them hope that their aspirations will be realised.

“We are the Party of the common people. We will never be the Party of the Elites,” he remarked.

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