Senior Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Education & Ministry of Manpower Low Yen Ling is down with dengue fever.
This was shared by Ms Low who is the Member of Parliament for Chua Chu Kang GRC on Monday via her Facebook page.
She wrote that her doctor has advised her to take some time out these few days to rest and recover. Asking for understanding if her email response is delayed.
“This incident is another reminder that we are all susceptible to dengue and it’s a war we can’t fight alone. We need each other, more than ever before – to keep our families and homes safe from dengue.” wrote Ms Low.
The National Environment Agency (NEA) warns that the number of dengue cases this year is projected to exceed last year’s figures unless immediate action is taken by all stakeholders.
In a release on 20 April, the NEA said that there have been almost 5,800 dengue cases reported as of mid-April this year. This is more than twice the number of cases reported in the same period in 2019.
“With the traditional dengue peak season coming up from May to September, the number of dengue cases in 2020 is projected to exceed the 16,000 cases in 2019, unless immediate measures are taken to suppress the Aedes mosquito population,” said the statement.
NEA also noted that the weekly figures remain high and continue to be a public health concern, around 300 to 400 cases a week.
The agency said that this is an “unusually high number” for the period before what is considered the typical peak dengue season, warning that if the predominant dengue virus serotype continues to shift, the rate of dengue transmission could worsen.

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