Source: Carousell

On Thursday (16 April), Carousell, one of the world’s largest and fastest growing classifieds, announced the launch of ‘COVID-19 Free Ads for Charity‘, an initiative that offers up to S$2 million in an advertising support program for non-profit organisations helping the communities impacted by COVID-19.

The fund will focus on supporting any non-profit organisations in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, and in the Philippines and their efforts to replenish supply of food and essential health products, donations for upkeep cost, call for volunteers, and other initiatives of caring for families-at-risk and seniors in need. 

“With COVID-19 affecting every business, we understand that non-profit organisations are facing new challenges, including limited access to volunteers and lack of donations. As Southeast Asia’s leading classifieds marketplace across eight markets, we want to mobilise our reach of tens of millions of users across our 8 markets to help these non-profit organisations in need,” said JJ Eastwood, Managing Director for Advertising at Carousell. 

“This initiative will give non-profit organisations more visibility and offer an alternative platform for advertising that doesn’t require paying premium fees. As a C2C classified platform, Carousell has a broader vision for our community and users that transcends the current COVID-19 climate,” he added.

The initiative will launch with existing partnerships including Singapore Red Cross,, Free Food for All in Singapore, Parents Without Partners in Malaysia, Habitat For Humanity in Hong Kong, and Caritas Manila in the Philippines.

Interested non-profit organisations can apply here.

“We are tremendously grateful to Carousell for supporting our critical efforts to ensure that the families-at-risk we are helping continue to receive the basic necessities they need amid this health crisis,” noted Benjamin William, Secretary General and CEO at Singapore Red Cross.

“Having our ads reach millions of users on Carousell will help to empower our organisation and serve as an ongoing resource,” he added.

Apart from supporting non-profit organisations, Carousell has committed to additional resources that will empower small and medium businesses and local entrepreneurs during this COVID-19 crisis. 

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