Based on the latest announcement by the Ministry of Health (MOH), Singapore recorded 74 new cases of COVID-19 in the country on Wednesday (1 April).
This brings the total number of the deadly coronavirus infection in the Republic to 1,000.
Of the 74 cases, 20 were imported ones whereas the remaining 54 were local cases who had no recent travel history abroad.
Based on the official data, 20 imported cases had travel history to Australia, Europe, South America, Africa, ASEAN and other parts of Asia.
On the other hand, 29 cases are linked to previous cases or clusters, while the other 25 cases are currently unlinked and contact tracing is ongoing.
Separately, 10 of the newly confirmed cases are linked to a previous case (Case 918), forming a new cluster at Lee Ah Mooi Old Age Home (1 Thomson Lane).
The Agency of Integrated Care (AIC) revealed that eight of the 10 new cases are residents of the Lee Ah Mooi home, while the remaining two are a staff who takes care of a female resident and a family member of the employee.
It was reported that the family member is employed as a non-patient facing role at Moral Home for the Aged Sick.
“AIC has also been in contact with Moral Home, which has stepped up vigilance in monitoring the health status of residents and staff. So far, all its residents are well,” AIC stated.
Additionally, the Lee Ah Mooi home is cooperating with MOH and the AIC to carry out test on all the home’s residents and symptomatic staff following the confirmation of the first case on 31 March. All staff members of the home have been placed under quarantine, and the MOH and AIC are assisting the home with manpower support so the residents won’t be affected.
To step up the precautionary measures, all nursing homes will also shut its doors to visitors till the end of this month. If that’s not all, nursing homes will also provide caregivers with other options like telephone or video calls.
Safe distancing measures will also be done in the homes and for homes with more than 200 beds, they will have to implement spilt-zones.
Besides the Lee Ah Mooi home, another cluster was also identified on Wednesday after two of the confirmed cases (Cases 972 and 974) are linked to a previous case (Case 868). This new cluster is at a dormitory located at 55 Sungei Kadut Loop.
To date, out of the 1,000 cases in the country, 245 cases have made full recoveries. However, 291 cases are clinically well but still test positive for COVID-19. These cases are currently being isolated at cared for at various medical facilities while another 23 are in critical condition in the intensive care unit. Tragically, four have passed away, the latest being a 68-year-old Indonesian national who succumbed to the virus early this morning.
Upon reading this news, many online users voiced their disappointment over the lack of stricter moves taken by the Government to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Singapore. Penning their thoughts on the Facebook page of The Straits Times, they said that the numbers of cases are increasing rapidly for such a small country, yet the Government’s decisions and reactions are still slow.

Given that the numbers have been increasing day by day, a large number of online users have urged the Government to impose a complete lockdown like other countries so that the spread of the virus can be contained. They explained that the Government should not solely think about the economy and put the lives of Singaporeans at risk. They added that while Singapore still has time, the Government should take drastic measures and impose a lockdown.

Facebook user Cynthia Clare Foo said that the Government is “still taking things very lightly”. Although she acknowledges that there are measures taken by the authorities to curb the spread of the virus, but it is not enough. As an example, she said that people must wear masks at all public area and public transport.

Some also slammed the Government for urging people to only wear mask if they feel unwell. They pointed out that countries like Taiwan and Czech Republic have asked their citizens to wear a mask in public places, adding that this has to be done to curb local transmission of the virus.

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