Photo by: RESORTS World Sentosa

In light of the recent stricter measures in Singapore amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Resorts World Sentosa (RWS) and Marina Bay Sands (MBS) announced earlier today (26 March) that the casinos have taken additional safe distancing measures and only permit casino access to certain members, The Business Times reported.

Earlier on Tuesday (24 March), the Multi-Ministry Taskforce announced that all bars and entertainment venues with a high risk of transmission due to sustained close contact over a period of time, will be closed.

In addition, the measures also limit gatherings outside of work and school to 10 persons or fewer, and ensure that physical distancing of at least one metre can be achieved in settings where interactions are non-transient.

These measures will take effect from 26 March 2020, 2359 hours, and are expected to be in place until 30 April 2020. However, the measures may be extended if the situation does not improve.

Following that, RWS decided to limit its casino access to existing Genting Rewards card members and annual levy holders, while MBS only permits Sands Rewards Club members who hold Gold status or higher and existing annual levy holders to gain access to its casino.

Both casinos will also ensure that there is not more than one person per 16 square metres of usable space. The additional measures will take effect from 11.59pm on Thursday (26 March).

According to RWS, groups of more than 10 patrons will be prohibited to enter and there should be at least one metre of space between patrons.

RWS said it will use alternate seats for table games and electronic gaming machines, and will decline bets from standing patrons.

As for MBS, the casino said the staff members are rotating regularly on the gaming floor to reduce extended contact with individuals.

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