Mother of Indonesian president passed away at age 77

Mother of Indonesian president passed away at age 77

The mother of Indonesian president Joko Widodo passed away in Solo, a small town in Central Java, on Wednesday (25 March) at 4.45 pm local time at the age of 77.

The cause of her death is still unknown.

The news was earlier spread through group messages via private message groups, “Eyang Notomiharjo, Mr President’s mother died in Solo at 16:45 WIB earlier. Please pray for her.”

This was later confirmed by Ms Angkie Yusditia, one of the Indonesian president’s special staff.

“Yes, it’s true. I got the information from Mr Jokowi’s personal secretary,” Ms Angkie said on Wednesday afternoon.

Following the news of his mother’s passing, the president immediately flew to Solo. The body of Jokowi’s mother is currently held at Slamet Riyadi Hospital, Surakarta and the president’s entourage had arrived at the location at 5.44 pm local time, according to local news media. However, there has been no official information provided by the family.

Mdm Notomiharjo leaves behind four children with Jokowi being the eldest.

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