SPF arrests 19 year-old PNSF for theft of a police vehicle; video shows a girl enjoying the joyride

SPF arrests 19 year-old PNSF for theft of a police vehicle; video shows a girl enjoying the joyride

A Singapore full-time Police National Serviceman (PNSF) has been arrested for theft of a police vehicle on Thursday (19 March) after a video of a girl having fun in a police car started circulating on social media.

In the 13-second video, a girl can be seen entering the police car while a man gets into the driver’s seat. The girl can be heard laughing and excitedly saying, “So this is the ride for tonight, we’re going in a police car.”

The video was uploaded in a series of Instagram stories from the girl’s Instagram account on 18 March, according to Mothership.sg.

Singapore Police Force (SPF) issued a statement saying that a 19-year-old full-time PNSF has been arrested for theft of a police vehicle on 19 March 2020.

From the preliminary investigations, SPF noted that the PNSF – who is attached to the Singapore Police Force’s Protective Security Command (ProCom)’s logistical support office – had unauthorised access to the police vehicle and drove the car out of ProCom.

“Officers of the Singapore Police Force, including PNSFs, are expected to uphold the law and maintain high standards of discipline and integrity.

“Those who commit criminal offences will be dealt with in accordance with the law,” the statement read.

SPF said that further investigations on the case are ongoing.

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