Series Mania back for a third season in Lille and Houtes-de-France, showcasing series from the world over from 20 to 28 March.

Aiming to surpass it’s 2019 edition, the series is now represented by 25 countries from Chile and Peru in South America, Niger and Senegal in Africa, as well as Japan, South Korea, and Singapore for Asia.

Representing Singapore is local content platform Viddsee whose original series titled ‘Soul Food’ is in competition for the festival’s Short Forms Series Competition – the only Asian title in the category. This will be the second time that Viddsee has been nominated in this category, following in the footsteps of its entry for last year titled ‘Drive’ by local filmmaker Don Aravind.

Overall, Viddsee is only one of a handful of entries from Asia, and they are hoping to provide a case for more Asian content to be featured in the future.

Soul Food is an 8-part series about a chef, played by Silver Ang, who recreates the final meal for those who want to meet their departed loved ones again. The story was created by Priscilla Goh, a TV writer/editor who has worked with Channel NewsAsia and Discovery Asia, among others.

Series Mania has been around since 2010, and brings together the world’s best series, their creators and stars to France. This year it boasts notable jury members Tom Perotta (The Leftovers), and Rachel Griffiths (Muriel’s Wedding, Six Feet Under) and guests including Chris Broncato (the creator of Netflix series Narcos and Narcos: Mexico).

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预计需2至3周完成检讨巴蒂案 尚穆根下月才发表部长声明

有鉴于警方和总检察署预计需二至三周时间,完成检讨前女佣巴蒂案,内政部长兼律政部长尚穆根也表示,将在11月才在国会针对此事发表部长声明。 尚穆根是在今日(2日)告知媒体,在警方和总检察署完成检讨后,才会在国会对此发表部长声明。他在上月16日表示,多名议员将在国会复会时,针对前女佣案件提问,为此他也准备提供部长声明回应。 有鉴于此,工人党主席、阿裕尼集选区议员林瑞莲,也暂时不会再申请休会动议,将待部长声明和合适的期间参与辩论。 工人党认为,尽管内部检讨仍在进行,对于巴蒂案件反映刑事司法制度更广泛的问题,有必要采取适当的措施去回应相关缺失。 前女佣巴蒂,被前樟宜机场集团主席廖文良一家指控偷窃,幸在本月初获高庭法官翻案,沉冤得雪。巴蒂一案近两周来引起国人议论,并关注女佣在整个审讯中处于弱势的地位。高庭法官陈成安判决中,更形容廖家父子报警可能存在“不当意图”,被告有充分理由投诉人力部,而廖家“先下手为强”将他开除。 高庭法官陈成安,在判决中也点出所谓“赃物”移交警局过程存在疑点。包括廖家声称开箱检查女佣留下的三大箱子,并报警后,警方未立即取走证物。由于高庭法官的判词,也针对警方的调查工作,这也致使警方需出面回应此事,表示将展开调查。 尽管早前巴蒂有意对两名主控官发起纪律研讯,惟在本周二却又提呈撤诉的申请。 巴蒂代表律师阿尼尔(Anil Balchandani),今午(10月1日)在法庭告知大法官梅达顺,过去一个月来发生的事件,令巴蒂负荷不来,再者被官司缠身四年,巴蒂希望能早日返乡,这是巴蒂有意撤诉的原因之一。 不过,巴蒂仍坚信,两名副检察司(Deputy Public Prosecutor),仍需要针对她的指控作出交代。…

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