MOH announces two more cases of Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore; 18 confirmed cases so far

MOH announces two more cases of Wuhan coronavirus in Singapore; 18 confirmed cases so far

On Saturday evening, the Ministry of Health (MOH) confirmed two additional imported cases of the Wuhan novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) infection in Singapore.

This brings the total number of infected cases in Singapore to 18 as of 1 February 2020, 2pm.

MOH states that both cases have recent travel history to Wuhan and highlights that there is currently no evidence of community spread in Singapore.

The 17th case is a 47 year-old female Singapore Citizen who travelled to Wuhan. She was one of the Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan on 30 January, and arrived in Singapore on the same day.

She was asymptomatic when she boarded the flight. Upon arrival at Changi Airport, she was found to have a fever during medical screening, and was conveyed to the National Centre for Infectious Diseases (NCID). She was tested positive for 2019-nCoV infection on 31 January at about 11pm. She is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

The 18th case is a 31 year-old female Chinese national who arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 22 January. She was tested positive for 2019-nCoV infection on 1 February at about 2pm. She is currently warded in an isolation room at NCID.

Both cases are said to be in stable condition and being monitored. The earlier 16 cases that were announced, are also said to be in stable condition and mostly improving.

MOH shared that it has initiated epidemiological investigations and contact tracing to identify individuals who had close contact with the cases.

Update on suspect cases

As of 1 February, 12pm, 231 of the suspect cases have tested negative for 2019-nCoV, and 18 have tested positive (case 18 was confirmed at about 2pm, 1 February). Test results for the remaining 25 cases are pending.

Update on contact tracing for confirmed cases

Contact tracing for the confirmed cases is ongoing. Once identified, MOH will closely monitor all close contacts. As a precautionary measure, they will be quarantined for 14 days from their last exposure to the patient. In addition, all other identified contacts who have a low risk of being infected will be under active surveillance, and will be contacted daily to monitor their health status.

As of 1 February, 12pm, MOH has identified 245 close contacts. Of the 177 who are still in Singapore, 172 have been contacted and are being quarantined or isolated. Efforts are ongoing to contact the remaining five close contacts.

Cases so far:

  • 16th case is a 38-year-old male Chinese national who arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 22 January.
  • 15th case is a 47-year-old female Singapore Citizen who travelled to Wuhan with her family. She was one of the Singaporeans evacuated from Wuhan on 30 January.
  • 14th case is a 31-year-old male Chinese national who is a Singapore Work Pass holder. After a trip to Hubei, he arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 26 January.
  • 13th case is a 73-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan, who arrived in Singapore with her family on 21 Jan.
  • 12th case is a 37-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 22 Jan with her family.
  • 11thcase is a 31-year-old Chinese woman from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 22 Jan. She was a travelling companion of the fourth confirmed case.
  • Tenth case is a 56-year-old male Chinese national who arrived in Singapore from Wuhan on 20 January.
  • Ninth case is 56-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 19 January with the eighth case.
  • Eighth case is a 56-year-old female Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 19 January with her husband.
  • Seventh case is a 35-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore on 23 January with family and friends.
  • Sixth case is a 56-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with his family on 19 January.
  • Fifth case is a 56-year-old female Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with her family on 18 January.
  • The fourth confirmed case is a 36-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with his family on 22 January.
  • The third case is that of a 37-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan, son of the first confirmed case who arrived on 20 Jan.
  • The second case is a 53-year-old female Chinese national from Wuhan who arrived in Singapore with her family on 21 January.
  • And the first confirmed case is a 66-year-old male Chinese national from Wuhan, the father of the third case who arrived in Singapore on 20 Jan.
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