Two men were arrested by the police for being involved in a fight that broke out near an A&W outlet at Jewel Changi Airport on Sunday morning (8 Dec).
As reported by The Straits Times and TODAY, the police were alerted to the scene at around 11am.
The police said that two men, aged 43 and 55, were arrested for affray. Both men apparently sustained minor injuries from the fight.
Further investigations are ongoing.
Since the incident transpired, a 15-second footage of the scuffle has been making rounds on the internet. In the video, a group of around 10 people can be seen tussling right outside the A&W fast-food restaurant.
While plenty can be seen and heard from the rumpus, a man carrying a blue bag strikes out among the market-like crowd as he furiously throws a kick and few punches at a man in a black jacket before another man in a black t-shirt steps up to give him a taste of his own medicine.
One particular woman in a blue skirt had her hair pulled by the aforementioned man in the black jacket. Meanwhile, screams of “stop” and “security” were projected.
What’s more, at the start of the video, a Caucasian man can be seen slowly walking pass the whole ruckus with a casual glance.
Watch the video of the incident here:

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