“That someone is ‘marked’ by PAP simply because he/she is overly critical is not true”, said blogger Phillip Ang Keng Hong. “I am living proof”, he added.
In a Facebook post early this morning (27 November), Mr Ang – who regularly blogs on ‘likedatasoscanmeh’ – said that Singaporeans no longer have a reason to fear the ruling People’s Action Party (PAP) and should feel free to speak up about things they are unhappy with.
Mr Ang, who was a regular with the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) and floor trader at the Singapore Exchange said that ST Forum and Today Voices published about 30 out of 40 of his letters more than a decade ago. He has also written letters to the CEOs and directors of statutory boards, ministers and even to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.
The blogger said, “Our servants do reply but sometimes they wrongly believe citizens are their servants.”
He added, “The PAP government knows Phillip Ang, ie a nobody, average Singaporean”.
Mr Ang went on to say that he loves his country and doesn’t want to see ‘afterthought’ policies by the PAP “ruin the home” of his children.
“I have been very vocal against the PAP”, he said, adding that he hasn’t been “marked” by the party despite that.
He pointed out how two of his posts about the Prime Minister’s wife and Temasek CEO Ho Ching’s remuneration have garnered over 100,000 views and that some of his Facebook posts have been widely shared, one going over 1,500 shares.
“PAP has no issue”, Mr Ang declared.
He then encouraged others to speak out, advising them that “you cannot love our country and fear PAP at the same time”.

Fear is still prevalent

A few hours later, retired army regular officer Clement Puah shared an image of Mr Ang’s post on his Facebook page, adding that many Singaporeans are still afraid of the PAP and of speaking out.
He said, “Some say the PAP is afraid of their own shadows! I’ll say too many Singaporeans are even more afraid of the shadows of others!”
Mr Puah recounted a recent moment when he invited some close friends and family to a gathering, but they turned him down. He says he suspects that it was because a video of him went viral in which he urged members of the SAF to understand what it means to be loyal to Singapore.
Mr Puan added, “The fear is so ingrained that being seen with me in a non-political gathering is deemed not in their best interests! Is being gutless settling in?”
Last month, Mr Puah attended the launch of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) manifesto. During the Q&A session, Mr Puah stood up to comment about how wrong it is to classify Singaporeans as being disloyal simply for disagreeing with government policies.
He said he finds it “incredulous” when ministers in the government consider him disloyal when he objects to their policies or when he disagrees with their method of governance.
The grandfather went on to say to the crowd, “If you love your grandchildren, think about it what sort of legacy you want to leave behind.”
He also urged government servants, civil servants, Singapore Armed Forces personnel, and anyone else who works in government service to let go of their fear in questioning government policies and decisions.
Mr Puah quoted Dr Tan Chen Bock who exclaimed, “the fear must go”.
Urging Singaporeans to let go of their fear, Mr Puah Neo said: “So get away this fear. You are not disloyal when you disagree with government policies. You are loyal to your country Singapore and you are faithful to your fellow Singaporeans.“

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淡马亚质疑教育部做法 吴家和吁检讨欠费扣押成绩单政策

此前,本地社运份子吴家和指出,有清寒子弟因家里经济状况因素,学校费用未缴清,致使他们只能领取小六会考(PSLE)成绩单的影印本,幸得善心人士解围,才顺利获得成绩单正本。 对此,教育部透过媒体澄清,有关学生仍能继续申请中学入学,不过也证实,若学费未缴清,有关学生只能拿到影印本而不是成绩单正本,且这是该部“一贯的政策。” 该部表示,此事无关乎“回收款项”,并解释考量到教育费大部分都是公共拨款,那么基于一项原则,大家仍能共同承担和正视义务,不管这些费用多小。该部希望家长们一同来强化此举带出的意义。 教育部在本月26日的回应,认为吴家和的贴文旨在“质问教育部的意图和价值”,也反问教育者、家长和群众,来决定教育部的决策是否公平和具有教育意义? 因为家长无法缴清学费,孩子却因此连带受到惩罚(无法领取成绩单正本),乃至为此感到羞辱,民主党主席淡马亚也站出来质问教育部,该部认为这么做是否妥当? “是的,难道我们要一个这样的体制,让孩子因为父母的问题连带受惩罚?还是我们要确保每个孩子都有同等机会,都能领取正本证书延续他们的成功路?” 他不忘呼吁选民让民主党进入国会,对当权者质问这些严肃问题,以期打造一个立基于公正和平等的民主社会。 吴家和回忆教师家访令他感温馨 与此同时,吴家和也在昨日(28日)致函教育部长王乙康,电邮中他先是感谢教育部确保国人享有免于高昂费用的教育,也嘉许财政援助计划(FAS)让数以千计清寒学生,获得免费校服、教科书和餐券等,减轻负担从中受惠。 然而,吴家和提醒,仍有一些“落单”的学生群体,他们可能不符合申请财务援助的收入条件、填写表格不完整(因为家庭成员不完整)、又或者家长刚刚面对裁员,生活一时陷入拮据。 他不否认也有家长可能对于申请财援感到羞愧,但结果只是让无辜的孩子受苦。他也呼吁教育部可出于善意,对于那些有需要的清寒学生,免除掉他们的费用,让他们也能领取成绩单。 吴家和建议,对于那些连续半年未缴学杂费的学生,都理应主动关注,因为这是他们家庭方面可能面对困境的征兆。…