(Image by BigTunaOnline / Shutterstock.com)

Four men aged 17 to 37 will be charged in court today (15 October) for distributing obscene materials on a Telegram chat group called “SG Nasi Lemak”.
In a statement, the Singapore Police Force (SPF) said that they had received several reports between 15 Mar and 3 October against a chat group for circulating obscene materials and promoting vice activities. Investigations by the Ang Mo Kio Police Division uncovered the identities of the men behind this chat group who were subsequently arrested at various locations around the island on 14 October.
It was found that two men, aged 26 and 37, were the administrators behind the chat group while two teenagers aged 17 and 19 were the distributors of the obscene materials.
The police found over 10 electronic devices including a CPU, laptop, hard disk, and several mobile phones which were seized as case exhibits.
If convicted, the men could be imprisoned for up to three months, fined, or both.
The police have advised members of the public to stop soliciting or joining lewd websites or illicit chat groups.
“The Police takes a serious view of anyone involved in criminal activities and will continue to take tough enforcement actions against those breaking the law,” said SPF.
On 4 October when the police first announced its investigation of the “SG Nasi Lemak” group, Chinese daily Lianhe Wanbao reported that there had been more than 44,000 members when the group was still active.
Lianhe Wanbao also reported that the group has been up for more than a year but membership has spiked in recent months. There is also apparently an entry fee of S$30 for those wanting to join the group.
According to Today in their report of the arrests (15 October), several women have reported finding photos of them on the SG Nasi Lemak chat group.

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