On Saturday (12 Oct), homegrown fitness brand FIGHT ZONE inaugurated the official opening of its third outlet at Velocity@Novena Square, and is already looking at expanding the “fight zone” overseas.
The launch at Velocity was attended by special guest Mr Ang Peng Siong, Singapore’s swimming icon who is currently the Vice-President of Singapore Athletics and founder of Aquatic Performance Swim Club.
“The Fight Zone concept of just exercising for half an hour a day is ideal for many people who lead sedentary lifestyles or spend a lot of time behind the desk,” said Mr Ang.
Apart from Mr Ang, other athletes who were present at the launch were Matthias Yap and Matthew Yap, Singapore’s powerlifters, and also national hurdler Kerstin Ong.

Within a couple of days, the brand new outlet at Velocity on Level 3 has already garnered more than 150 sign-ups, mainly from those who work in the surrounding office buildings around the area.
“FIGHT ZONE is a fitness brand which was born right here in Singapore. We have plans to take this concept to the region, and then to other parts of the world over the next few years. We are proud that we already have three outlets up and running in under two years,” noted Mr Sasidharan Unnithan, CEO and founder of FIGHT ZONE.

FIGHT ZONE opened its first outlet at Suntec City at the end of 2017, just months after the brand was created.
Subsequently, in April this year, FIGHT ZONE opened its second outlet at AMK Hub, which saw many notable sportsmen and sportsmen in attendance.
Among those present were Olympian Joscelin Yeo, national footballer Gabriel Quak, former national sprinter and holder of the 100-metre record UK Shyam, national hurdler Kerstin Ong, national para swimmer Eugene Png, national boxer Mohd Hanurdeen, and former national footballer and current Geylang International FC football coach Mohd Noor Ali.

“Many people are understanding the need to stay fit and healthy. FIGHT ZONE allows them to burn at least 500 calories after just a half an hour workout, and gives them the right strengthening and cardio needs. They also have the benefit of a personal trainer who takes them through their workouts and they can monitor their own performance through their personal heart rate monitors,” added Mr Unnithan.
What’s more, Mr Unnithan hinted that FIGHT ZONE is now aiming to take the brand overseas within the next six months.
“There are many fitness gym brands which started elsewhere which have come to Singapore. We need to show that we also have a brand and a model which can be taken overseas. This is a brand which is born right here in Singapore.”

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