MP Seah: Fairprice’s 1-yr discounts to seniors in appreciation for their contribution to SG

MP Seah: Fairprice’s 1-yr discounts to seniors in appreciation for their contribution to SG

NTUC FairPrice issued a press release yesterday (17 Jun), announcing that both Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) members will be able to enjoy a 3% discount at FairPrice outlets every Wednesday starting from 1 July next month. This is the first time the discount scheme is extended to MG members.

Meanwhile, PG members will continue to enjoy an additional day of discount every Monday.

That is to say, on Mondays, PG members will get the 3% discount while on Wednesdays, both PG and MG members will get the 3% discount.

This FairPrice promotion for both PG and MG members, however, will only last for 1 year, ending in Jun 2020.

Previously, when the PG Package was announced by the government in 2014 for PG members, FairPrice followed suit by introducing the 3% discount scheme for them as well, but only for a year. It was then extended 4 times in end 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018.

In the last extension for PG members in Dec last year, FairPrice announced that it would extend the discount for PG members by only 6 months until Jun 30 this month. However, with yesterday’s announcement, FairPrice extended the discount again – the 5th time – for PG members till end Jun next year, coinciding with the end of the discount promotion for MG members as well.

Speaking at the Bloomberg New Economic Forum last Nov, PM Lee said that general elections may be called as soon as this year. He was asked if Singapore’s bicentennial celebration of Sir Stamford Raffles’ arrival this year may be a reason to bring forward the general election which is due to be held in 2021. He then said, “It’s always possible. There are many reasons to bring elections forward for a party, so we’ll see.”

It’s not known if the 3% discount promotion for MG and PG members till next Jun is in anyway connected to the coming General Election.

Seah: Giving discounts also aims to encourage community to honour and show appreciation to seniors

FairPrice CEO Seah Kian Peng, who is also the a Member of Parliament in Marine Parade GRC, said, “This additional benefit to MG members is a simple gesture by FairPrice in appreciation to our seniors for their contribution in developing Singapore as a vibrant nation with a cohesive community.”

“We have also extended the PG Discount scheme for another year and consolidated the benefits so that both discounts may be enjoyed on Wednesdays and makes it easier for our customers to remember,” he added.

“Beyond helping seniors to save more on daily essentials, these efforts also aim to encourage the community as a whole to honour and show their appreciation for our seniors.”

The year-long extension of the PG Discount Scheme, along with the inclusion of the MG Discount Scheme and Seniors Discount Scheme is estimated to cost FairPrice more than $9.8 million over the next 12 months, NTUC said.

Still, the less than $10 million cost is a small price to pay if it helps to enhance the image of the ruling government in the coming election.


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