What does PMD stands for again? Is it ‘Personal Mobility Device’ or ‘Public Madness Driving’? Either ways, can’t seem to tell the difference nowadays.

In a video uploaded on Facebook page Roads.sg earlier today (24 May), a male e-scooter rider is seen illegally riding on the road without a helmet, only to end up colliding into the back of a vehicle.

The video of the incident, captured via front and rear dashboard cameras from the vehicle involved, was contributed by Chris, the driver of the aforementioned vehicle.

According to the caption of the post, Chris said that he brought the car to a halt as he was approaching a pedestrian crossing. Moments after, the e-scooter rider abruptly crashed into the back of his car.

Subsequently, Chris claimed that he got out of the car to confront the reckless rider, and was met with a rude response by the rider who not only raised his voice, but even pointed the finger to him for “braking suddenly” which led to the collision.

Chris added that his car was slightly damaged, and he took down the rider’s phone number to “settle later”.

However, the rider allegedly told him that he did not have money to compensate for the repairs, and proceeded to block Chris’ calls.

Chris noted that he made a police report following the unfruitful confrontation.

The incident took place along Woodlands Ring Road.

Watch the full video of the incident here:

According to the Active Mobility Act, personal mobility devices (PMD) such as e-scooters or motorised wheelchairs are strictly prohibited on “public path or on all pedestrian-only paths generally”.

Besides that, first-time offenders can be slapped a S$300 fine for riding on local roads, and S$500 on major roads.

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