Tan Cheng Bock unveils the Progress Singapore Party’s palm tree symbol

Tan Cheng Bock unveils the Progress Singapore Party’s palm tree symbol

Dr Tan Cheng Bock announced in a Facebook post that the party symbol for the Progress Singapore Party (PSP) has been approved, two weeks after the PSP was registered with the Registry of Society.

The symbol is of a palm tree which signifies “growth, purpose, strength and life”, said Dr Tan. The logo, in the party colours of red and white, shows a five frond red palm tree with a trunk that is shaped like a person which represents “the Party’s belief that people are its core interest and source of strength”.

Mr Tan wrote, “The 5 fronds represent the 5 ideals which the Party subscribes to: Democracy, Equality, Justice, Peace & Progress. They also represent our multi-racial and inclusive society consisting of the 4 racial groups and new citizens.”

The colour red symbolises life, passion, energy and strength while white symbolises purity, integrity and goodness.

Mr Tan said, “The Progress Singapore Party looks forward to serving the people of Singapore and will work hard to fulfil the ideals to which we subscribe.”


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