Source: TNP.

Land Transport Authority (LTA) will be implementing speed regulating strips at the Marine Parade roundabout in addition to the road warning signs at the side of the road following a fatal accident last week, which involved a car and an 82-year-old woman.

This was announced by Member of Parliament for Mountbatten Lim Biow Chuan on his Facebook page on Saturday (23 March), saying that this would slow down the speed of vehicles entering the roundabout.

He noted that he will meet with LTA on site to discuss other measures to make the place safer for the residents next week.

In an update on Monday, the authority stated that roadworks to implement the speed regulating strips and new speed advisory signs will take place on Wednesday.

Parts of the road will be closed and directional and information signs will be placed to guide motorists during ongoing works, which will be placed before the roundabout for both approaches from Marine Parade Road and Amber Road.

The signs are to remind motorists of the 30kmh speed limit in the area, said the authority and added that it will monitor the effectiveness of the scheme and concurrently review the feasibility of implementing additional measures to maintain a safe road environment.

The move came after a tragic incident of the elderly who passed away after being hit by a car.

Cited from Channel NewsAsia, the woman was standing on the pavement at the junction of Marine Parade Road and Amber Road on 18 March when the car mounted the kerb and hit her.

She was said to have flung into the air by the impact and hit her head on the windshield of the car, causing her to bleed from the head.

The woman was then unconsciously conveyed to Tan Tock Seng Hospital where she succumbed to her injuries.

The 29-year-old driver is assisting in investigations.

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