First SAF Inspector-General takes office on 27 February 2019

First SAF Inspector-General takes office on 27 February 2019

Brigadier-General (BG) Tan Chee Wee appointed to be the first Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) Inspector-General (IG).

In a press release on Friday (22 February), the Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) stated that BG Tan will assume office on 27 February 2019.

Brigadier-General (BG) Tan Chee Wee, who is currently Director Joint Operations, will also concurrently assume the appointment of Chief of Staff – Joint Staff (COS-JS) on the same day.

BG Tan joined the SAF in 1993 as an Air Traffic Controller in the Republic of Singapore Air Force. Prior to his current appointment, BG Tan held a diverse range of senior appointments in the Ministry of Defence and the Singapore Armed Forces, including Commander Air Defence and Operations Command, Director Policy Office, Defence Attaché (Washington), and Head Air Plans.

The ministry announced last month that an Inspector-General’s Office will be set to ensure that command emphasis on safety is applied and enforced across all units.

BG Tan accompanied Chief of Defence Force (CDF) Lieutenant-General (LG) Melvyn Ong to visit the 295th Battalion, Singapore Artillery (295 SA) on Tuesday (20 February) where they were briefed on the safety training that the Operationally Ready National Servicemen at 295 SA were undergoing as part of their In-camp Training.

During the visit, BG Tan said that his immediate focus, as SAF IG, is to introduce concrete actions in these areas: promote open reporting, ensure the quality of safety inspections and strengthen the safety culture across the SAF.

BG Tan said that in his visits to ground units, he will assess the health of open reporting and safety culture in the SAF units, and also evaluate the Service’s safety inspection system. BG Tan reiterated that he and his team were committed to improve training safety in the SAF.

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