sɪɴ¨̮ | giveaway?’s post on Twitter

For the second time today (29 Jan) train traveler were disturbed in their journey. After the slight delay along the EWL this morning, in the afternoon there was no train service between Telok Blangah and Harbour Front along the Circle Line (CCL).

This time SMRT was the first to inform the delay on Twitter at 12:50pm, stating a track fault (not mentioned where) as the cause. Free regular bus services were already available between Buona Vista and Habour Front:

Commuters posted comment and question to SMRT on the tweet:

On TATA SMRT Facebook people also posted about the CCL train delay:

ALvin Lee posted an image informing the delay at 12:50pm:

And Paul Lee also posted the same information at 1:31pm:


At 12:26 SMRT updated that the train shuttle service at Platform A between Labrador Park and Harbour Front was available:

Some passengers still tweeted their complains on the CCL train delay:

However, there were also passengers who did not agree with complaints from the commuters, they tweeted their opinions:

At 2:19pm SMRT tweeted that the fault was cleared, train services had resumed and free regular bus services had ended:

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吴资政捍卫部长高薪引网民怒火 全球最高薪仍不足?

关于部长“高薪养廉”议题,早前就已引起人们非议。各大网络新闻近期报导,荣誉国务资政吴作栋在一则谈话音频中,批评居民建议部长减薪乃民粹主义做法,致使部长薪资争议在社交媒体空间重燃,问责我国部长表现,是否与他们的高薪相符? 有关对话是在本月2日,于职工总会中心举行的东南区研讨会上,吴作栋回答基层居民的提问。当时,70岁的布莱德岭居民委员会成员阿都阿兹说,年长者为了生存,即使入古稀之年也不能退休,还要继续工作,令他感到忧虑。他询问吴资政,为何不从国防开销和部长薪资中,提取一部分来改善年长者的生活? 吴资政部属提供完整对话逐字稿,本社在昨日翻译还原完整对谈内容。 吴作栋首先询问居民阿都阿兹,如果年长者不从事打扫清洁工作,还有谁愿意去做?如果请外劳又可能引发外劳泛滥问题,年长者也失去增加收入机会。他感谢阿都阿兹关心年长者情况,惟不认同削减国防开销,因为要捍卫小红点,需要有先进雷达来提前侦测来犯敌机,这些都要花钱。 “你说的对,得从哪里拿钱。如果你建议起消费税两巴仙,来支付年长者退休金,我必须大大表扬你。但你说的是,砍国防部预算,一巴仙也可以。此外,你要砍部长薪资。这是很民粹的,我告诉你,部长薪水还不够;再现实一点,你是否知道,现在公务员赚得都比部长多?再减薪会导致没有人愿意为政府效力。” 吴作栋也举例,现任律政暨卫生高级部长唐振辉,在当部长前的年收入超过两百万,为了服务人民毅然放弃高薪;如果有人在外头都没办法赚到百万收入,却要成为部长,他也不会聘请,因为这样只会招来非常庸俗之人。 有者对吴资政言论表示失望,也批评他在谈话中一味捍卫部长高薪和国防预算,但是对如何改善年长者低收入劳动的处境,着墨太少,没有提出具体建议。 网民江金顺(译音)在新加坡时事论坛脸书专页《议论政策论坛》留言感慨,过去第一代开国元勋,如吴庆瑞博士、杜进才博士、拉惹勒南、EW巴克等,都是任劳任怨为民服务,即使只有区区数千元却从没有嫌薪水太低。 “他们高尚的品格、正直廉明,还能够把小红点打造成“亚洲四小龙”之一。” 紧接着其他网民也加入论战: 网民KH NGAI:所谓“部长薪资不足”,早在李光耀仍任总理时就提出,但近十载我国部长薪资已是全球最高!但是人民行动党还是招揽许多“合格”专业医生、纸上将军、律师和会计师等,成为被党操控的扯线木偶部长和议员!很简单,谁会愿意去做较低薪资的工作?他们基本上就是贪婪!…

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