Opposition leader Lim Tean tells TODAY to do its job and bring up pressing issues faced by S’poreans

Opposition leader Lim Tean tells TODAY to do its job and bring up pressing issues faced by S’poreans

TodayOnline published a news article yesterday (19 Dec) blaring, ‘Application filed to declare opposition leader Lim Tean a bankrupt’.

A bankruptcy application has been filed against opposition party leader Lim Tean by a Mr Huang Min, who is based in Shanghai. Huang claimed that he had loaned Mr Lim US$150,000 while Mr Lim said the amount was for a down-payment to buy a cargo of iron ore. A lower court has ruled against Mr Lim. He is presently appealing through the High Court to overturn the lower court’s decision.

TodayOnline wrote, “TODAY has learnt that Mr Huang Min, who is based in Shanghai, filed the application to the High Court last Friday through his lawyers.”

“Responding to TODAY’s queries, Mr Lim indicated that he will contest the bankruptcy application, which could throw into doubt his ability to take part in the next General Election due by early 2021,” TodayOnline added.

TodayOnline further explained, “Under Singapore law, a bankruptcy application can be filed by the debtor himself or the creditor, as long as the amount owed is no less than S$15,000. An undischarged bankrupt is also prohibited from contesting in an election.”

“In the 2015 polls, Mr Lim had contested in the Tampines Group Representation Constituency, where his team secured only 28 per cent of the vote,” TodayOnline specially pointed out.

Lim Tean: I intend to succeed on appeal

Yesterday night (19 Dec), responding to TodayOnline’s first publication of the matter, Mr Lim fought back and wrote on his Facebook page, “Mr Huang Min can file whatever he wants. It is ridiculous to suggest I will allow myself to be bankrupted.”

“This is a private dispute which you (TodayOnline) are taking an inordinate interest in to distract from the pressing issues faced by Singaporeans such as CPF, HDB, cost of living and Astronomical Ministerial Salaries.”

Mr Lim said he is presently appealing through the High Court and he intends to succeed in his appeal.

Turning to TodayOnline, Mr Lim demanded, “I demand this full statement to be published. If not I will publish it myself. I will not be speaking to the State Media further on this personal legal dispute. Do your job and bring up important issues and not trivial ones.”

He also revealed that TodayOnline has been hounding him yesterday “with the ridiculous suggestion that I was going to be made a bankrupt because of the civil dispute I am involved in”.

“The State Media and PAP IBs are happily playing up this matter to distract Singaporeans from the disastrous policies of the PAP which are causing Singaporeans so much hardship. I intend to keep speaking up for my fellow countrymen,” he added.

Lim Tean thanks opposition supporters for their support

In his Facebook post, he also took the opportunity to thank opposition supporters for their support and assures that he is “thoroughly capable of taking care of the situation”.

“I am a lawyer and know full well how to protect my own rights,” he further assured.

“I have never depended on a Government job to make a living and I have never needed an iron rice bowl. After 17 years of TOP legal practice, I ventured into mining in Indonesia. My company became the first company in Sulawesi to produce and ship iron-ore,” he explained.

“Many people said I couldn’t do it because I had no mining experience but I proved them wrong. In private business, there will often be disputes which is why we have the legal process. I have every faith in the legal system of which I am part of and have been for over 20 years of my life.”

He said that the matter is now before the High Court and he would allow the law to take its course.

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