The National Environment Agency (NEA) said that it is investigating the drying of meat at Blocks 1 and 6 at Beach Road in front of air-conditioning compressors and along a corridor, and the sale of this meat in nearby shops are being investigated following public feedback on the matter.

It said in a Facebook post on Friday (14 December) that it has since uncovered three shops selling boxes of the meat strips, and enforcement action will be taken against any shop operators for selling food not prepared in licensed premises.

The authority stressed that it is an offence to prepare food from any unlicensed food premises and will not hesitate to take enforcement action against anyone found violating the Food Hygiene Regulations.

It also remind members of the public not to purchase food prepared under poor hygiene conditions and encouraged them to report to NEA any food hygiene related lapses they observed via the NEA website or the myENV app.

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