Singapore 4x50m mixed medley relay team (Image from Joseph Schooling / Facebook)

Singapore’s swimming hero Joseph Schooling has a fruitful time at the FINA World Cup this weekend (17 Nov), bringing home two medals and breaking two national records while he was there.

In the men’s 50m butterfly, Schooling clocked a new national record of 22.04s, besting his previous record by 0.89 seconds, to bring home a bronze, just behind Russia’s Vladimir Morozov and US’ Michael Andrew who placed first and second respectively.

Later in the competition, Schooling, along with Roanne Ho, Teong Tzen Wei and Amanda Lim worked together to claim the silver medal in the 4x50m mixed medley relay with a time of 1:42:21s. During his leg of the relay, Schooling broke another national record, clocking 24.08s in the 50m backstroke. The record was previously held by Quah Zheng Wen set at the 2015 FINA World Cup.

In that same event, Australia placed first with a time of 1:39:79s while Hong Kong claimed third with 1:43:30s.

“I’m very happy. And a new national record in backstroke, I don’t know what to say. I mean, it’s a new position. So I’m enjoying it,” said Schooling.

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