It was reported in the news today (‘MOH puts a stop to foreign patient referral contracts‘, 30 Sep) that the Health Ministry (MOH) has instructed all public hospitals to terminate their contracts with foreign agents who refer foreign patients from overseas to them.

MOH said that the priority of public healthcare institutions is to serve Singaporeans’ healthcare needs. They “are not allowed to actively market themselves to foreign patients”.

Some of the public hospitals which were named in the news to have used such foreign agents include Changi General Hospital (CGH), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and National University Hospital (NUH).

It was reported that the agents can earn a lucrative commission fee of up to as high as 8 per cent of the patient’s hospital bill. An agent’s duties include assisting potential patients with information they require before making “the most suitable recommendation”, as well as helping patients to arrange specialist appointments.

Dr Keith Goh, consultant neurosurgeon of International Neuro Associates, was surprised when he heard about such practice instituted by the public hospitals, “This practice of giving a ‘referral fee’ to ‘medical agents’ is unethical,” he told the media.

The 8 per cent commission on a hospital bill of $500,000 would be $40,000 – “which is more than the annual salary of a staff nurse”, he added.

Jakarta-based agency has been referring Indonesian patients to Singapore hospitals for 11 years

At the same time, the media also reported that one of the large foreign agencies, HCM Medika which is based in Jakarta, has been helping to send some 15,000 Indonesian patients to Singapore and Malaysia hospitals.

Indeed, its website confirms that HCM Medika is an official representative of the following hospitals in Singapore, including the public ones:

The website said, “We have an official agreement with various hospitals in Singapore and Malaysia to facilitate Indonesians going to those respective hospitals for medical treatment. Our recommendation is always based on patient’s medical need and budget.”

And according to further information on its website, PT HCM Medika was established 11 years ago in 2007 to “help Indonesians to get great quality medical care from government hospital in Singapore”. In other words, HCM Medika started its business as an agent to Singapore’s public hospitals 11 years ago.

The best part is their services are provided free-of-charge to the Indonesian patients as they get their fees from the hospitals:

Its services even include recommending doctors to Indonesian patients. It’s not known if the doctors pay any additional fees to HCM Medika for the referrals:

It also said that its staff visit Singapore and Malaysia regularly to “learn about the latest developments” and also to “meet with various doctors and hospital staff”.

“That way, we can give our customers more useful insights,” it said. “Thanks to the hard work of our staff and the continuous support from our clients, we have grown from a small operation to a well-established company with offices in Jakarta and in Bandung”.

They also provided cost estimates for some of the medical procedures:

Jakarta-based agency recommends doctors to patients

Most interestingly, HCM Medika also recommends some of the Singapore doctors on its website. It’s not known if these doctors are aware of it or have any dealings with HCM Medika directly, as advertising a doctor’s service is frowned upon in Singapore.

Singaporean patients live in tents outside CGH

It is most unfortunate that the public hospitals have been taking in foreign patients from overseas all these years when at times, they do not even have enough beds to house Singaporean patients, resulting in them lying in tents outside the hospital buildings.

Four years ago in 2014, the bed crunch situation became so bad that CGH had to pitch tents on its hospital grounds to house patients.

At the time, Dr Lee Chien Earn, CGH’s CEO confirmed with the media, “Our bed occupancy rate has crossed 100 per cent for certain periods over the past month and some patients have waited more than 24 hours for an inpatient bed.”

This was despite CGH already renting wards from other private hospitals.

Singaporean Madam Fatimah Beevi, 60, was placed in the Admission Transit Area in CGH for 48 hours while waiting for a B2 bed. “There was no shower room and I couldn’t bathe for two days,” said Madam Fatimah, who was quickly discharged from CGH after her condition “stabilised”.

When news broke out that patients had to live in tents at public hospitals, there was a big public uproar. Then, MP Chia Shi-Lu conveniently suggested that the bed crunch might be due to “the holiday season rather than a spike in illnesses”.

When questioned in Parliament after the news broke, Health Minister Gan Kim Yong said it was due to Singapore’s ageing population, which needed more hospitalization. He replied in the House that this was one of the factors that contributed to the high bed occupancy rate at public hospitals.

But what is not mentioned by the minister is that while the lower tier wards are being fully occupied but higher tier wards such as A2 and A1 are heavily used by medical tourists. Doctors and activists have for years argued that there should be no class separation of wards in the public hospitals. Class C wards are not air-conditioned even when the corridors of the public hospitals are, which some say that it is a measure by hospitals to differentiate between the subsidised and paying wards.

In any case, while Madam Fatimah lamented that she couldn’t bathe in CGH for 2 days, Indonesian Ibu Maria was very pleased with the National Cancer Centre Singapore, a public hospital under SingHealth.  She wrote to HCM Medika:


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中国国防部发表白皮书 发言人指按驻军法应对香港局势

昨日(7月24日),中国国防部发表《新时代的中国国防》白皮书。该部发言人吴谦针对媒体询问表示,中国防部密切关注香港形势发展,特别是在周日发生了示威游行及暴力事件,以及激进分子冲击中联办的事件。他并表示会按照驻军法处理“港独”势力。 香港媒体在昨日询问吴谦,面对“港独”势力抬头,国防部会如何处理。 对此,吴谦表示该部密切关注香港形势发展,“部分激进示威者的行为挑战中央政府权威,触碰“一国两制”的原则底线,是绝对不能容忍的,“东方之珠”不容玷污。” “关于你的具体问题,在驻军法的第三章第十四条有明确规定。” 根据《 中华人民共和国香港特别行政区驻军法》的第三章第十四条,香港特别行政区政府根据香港特别行政区基本法的规定,在必要时可以向中央人民政府请求香港驻军协助维持社会治安和救助灾害。 中国国务院新闻办公室周三发表《新时代的中国国防》白皮书指,解决台湾问题,实现国家完全统一,是中华民族的根本利益,是实现中华民族伟大复兴的必然要求。 白皮书强调:“我们不承诺放弃使用武力,保留采取一切必要措施的选项,针对的是外部势力干涉和极少数台独分裂分子及其分裂活动,绝非针对台湾同胞。如果有人要把台湾从中国分裂出去,中国军队将不惜一切代价,坚决予以挫败,捍卫国家统一。” 而在回应记者询问时,吴谦也强调,白皮书想传达明确信息:搞台独死路一条,中国一点也不能少。绝不允许“任何人、任何组织或政党”,在任何时候以任何形势把中国领土分割出去。 此外,白皮书也涵括包括中国国防经费、岛屿领土问题和国防政策等议题。 在国防经费方面,声称中国国防费公开透明,开支水平合理适度。国防费占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例以2012年至2017年来看,平均比重约为1.3巴仙,在各国中排行第六,低于俄罗斯、美国、印度、法国和英国,比德国和日本高。 白皮书介绍,中国裁军30万,现役总员额减至200万;军队加大淘汰老旧装备力度,逐步形成以高新技术装备为骨干的武器装备体系,主战装备包括15式坦克、052D驱逐舰、歼-20战斗机、东风-26中远程弹道导弹等装备列装部队。…

200万份政府文件仅解密8% 贝理安:即便调阅也要等批准

昨日,通讯及新闻部高级政务部长沈颖针对议员提问,透露国家档案馆的门户网页已经公布了16万份政府文件,供公众查阅。 工人党非选区议员贝理安(Leon Perera)在国会中,询及超过25年并且已在国家资料馆网页中公布的政府文件比例。他也问到,已经公开在线的25年以上文件,是否会在稍后进行重新审查,因为可能在未来,或许50年后,这些在25年来上载到线上的文件,会存在某些涉及个人敏感问题和保密义务。 沈颖指出,国家档案馆内,超过25年的政府文件,多达200万份。但是目前已解密的仅16万份,相当于8巴仙。 对此,贝理安在脸书就指出,1950-60年代和新加坡有关的英殖民时期文件解密,能为历史学者和群众了解当年我历史,提供宝贵的史料。 故此,他呼吁这些已解密文件,理应能让民间更自由地调阅,因为目前即便想调阅这些文件,都是有条件的,而且可能还要经过冗长的时间等待批准。 沈颖昨日在国会已澄清,并非所有文件都可以供公众查阅,尤其是国防、外交和内部安全,及可能受保密义务或涉及个人隐私的文件。 至于已解密文件,如果在网络上查看文件,在某些情况下必须拥有书面许可,有些则是给予有条件的许可。


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