Second phase of the on-demand public buses (ODPB) trial awarded to Ministry of Movement Pte Ltd and Via Transportation Inc

Second phase of the on-demand public buses (ODPB) trial awarded to Ministry of Movement Pte Ltd and Via Transportation Inc

Land Transport Authority (LTA) has awarded the second phase of the on-demand public buses (ODPB) trial to Ministry of Movement Pte Ltd (SWAT) and Via Transportation, Inc.

LTA states that the company developed the dynamic routing and matching algorithm that offers seamless and convenient bus journeys in areas where there is low or unpredictable ridership during certain times of the day.

Moving forward, the authority noted that both contractors will develop mobile apps for commuters and bus captains as well as back-end tools to monitor the services.

According to LTA, a six-month trial will begin in Dec 2018 on selected services with low travel demand during off-peak hours.

LTA stated that it will work closely with the contractors, bus operators and the community in the trial areas to familiarise the commuters with ODPB in the lead-up to the trial.

“ODPB trial locations and operating hours, will be announced closer to the implementation date,” LTA added.

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