Singaporean crowned champion at high stakes poker game in Jeju winning S$3.9 million

Singaporean crowned champion at high stakes poker game in Jeju winning S$3.9 million

Singaporean Kenneth Kee played his way to US$2.86 million (S$3.9 million) at the Triton Hold’em Event at Jeju South Korea.

The poker tournament is the first one that Kenneth has played in the last six years and he impressed the crowd with his ‘impressive playing’ in the newly emerging game of short deck poker.

The Singaporean took down 60 poker players from around the world, including runner up Cary Katz from the US and second runner up Richard Yong from Malaysia. The top three finalists all secured themselves seven figure prizes, but Kee’s first prize win is about USD1 million more than the second runner up.

For the uninitiated, Kee is relatively unknown and took the poker world by surprise when he came in 2nd in the curtain raiser event of this Triton series. Some of the world’s top poker pros have played and fell short, it’s fair to say he has been very impressive.

According to Poker News, Kee seems to be naturally talented for the game but also puts in a lot of work and strategising. For now, he’s the Triton Hold’em champion, having made it to the throne in Jeju. He said that he’ll be back for some more Triton Hold’em tournament action in future.

Watch his win here on Twitch.

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