Large amount of heroin and cannabis seized in CNB operations

Large amount of heroin and cannabis seized in CNB operations

More than S$197,000 worth of drugs were seized and a total of seven suspected drug offenders were arrested in two separate operations conducted by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) during the night of 4 July 2018.

In a press release, CNB said that on 4 July 2018, its officers were deployed in the vicinity of Raffles Boulevard to conduct observation on a suspected drug trafficker believed to be dealing in sizeable amount of drugs and using hotels to mask his activities.

CNB stated that a 24-year-old Singaporean male suspect was believed to have booked a room at a hotel in the vicinity of Raffles Boulevard.  With the assistance of the security team at the hotel, CNB officers raided the room booked by the suspect, a 24-year-old Singaporean male.

It then noted that as the room was locked from within, forced entry was effected.  Upon entry, officers sighted the 24-year-old male suspect, together with two other suspects – a 22-year-old female foreign national and a 30-year-old Singaporean male, and immediately moved in to effect arrest.  Both male suspects struggled violently to resist arrest and necessary force was used to restrain them.

According to the bureau, a total of about 1,456g of heroin, 1,000g of cannabis, 10g of ‘Ice’ and cash amounting to S$6,250 were recovered from within the room.  Officers then proceeded to search the car driven by the 30-year-old male suspect.  From within the car, a total of about 1,005g of cannabis, 10g of ‘Ice’, and one ‘Ecstasy’ tablet were recovered.

Front-view of car in which a large amount of cannabis was recovered from within, in CNB operation on 4 July 2018 (Source: CNB).
Block of cannabis, under front-left seat of car, recovered in CNB operation on 4 July 2018 (Source: CNB).

In another separate case on 4 July 2018, CNB added that its officers were deployed in the vicinity of Upper Cross Street to conduct observation on two suspected drug traffickers.

At about 8.30pm, the two suspects – a 48-year-old stateless male and a 53-year-old Singaporean male –were spotted meeting up and then proceeded to the second floor of a building.  Shortly after, both parted ways and CNB officers moved in swiftly to effect arrest of the suspects.  From within a paper bag carried by the 48-year-old suspect, officers recovered about 1,049g of heroin.

Paper bag carried by 48-year-old suspect, from which about 1,049g of heroin was recovered from within, in CNB operation on 4 July 2018 (Source: CNB).

The bureau stated that follow-up investigations led to the arrest of two other suspects – a 41-year-old stateless male and a 62-year-old Singaporean male – who were believed to be associated with the 48-year-old stateless male.

Investigations into the drug activities of all the suspects are ongoing.

According to CNB, 2.5kg of heroin is enough to feed the addiction of about 1,190 abusers for a week.  While, 2kg of cannabis is enough to feed the addiction of about 286 abusers for a week.

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