by Angela Sim

Clogged sinks, dripping faucets or running toilets: we’ve all been there. Knowing how to fix some of the most common plumbing problems is very useful for every homeowner, especially if you have the basic plumbing tools with you. Here are some common plumbing problems that you can fix on your own.

Turn the water off

This may not be a fix in itself but it is the essential step in any plumbing work you might need to do on your own. You should locate the main water valve and shut it off. Most water meters are outside the home. In some cases, you might not need to turn off all the water in the house, just the water from the plumbing fixture.

Turn off the water heater

This can be very important if the water heater has a leak itself or if you are simply not going to be in the house for a longer period. In order to do this, you should turn off the water heater’s gas or electricity supply and then turn off the water supply.

Fix a dripping faucet

A dripping faucet is not only annoying but it can also lead to more
water loss than you imagine. Compression faucets are easier to repair since you will only need to replace the washer and apply plumber’s tape to it before screwing everything back in place. Cartridge or ball faucets have more components and, most often, you will only need to replace one part.

Fix a leaky pipe

After you’ve found the location of the leak you can either fix it using epoxy clay or by using a pipe repair clamp. In either case, you should make sure that you’ve turned the water off. If this simple fix does not help or if the pipe itself was badly damaged or too old, a complete pipe replacement might be needed and you should consider calling a team of reliable plumbers in Singapore.


Stop a running toilet

A running toilet is usually fixed either by adjusting the float height or by installing a new rubber flapper. The latter requires a little bit more work because you must remove it from the chain attached to the tank handle rod and to reattach the new one.

Plumbing work is almost inevitable in any home, whether you’ve rented the place or you’ve moved to a new home. Fixing small problems on your own may seem like a simple task but you should also consider asking for the help of a team of professional plumbers for more complex plumbing works or complete replacements.


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