The oldest man in the world dies at the age of 146-years-old

The oldest man in the world dies at the age of 146-years-old

SRAGEN, Indonesia – Sodimejo, said to be the oldest man in the world, died at the age of 146 years on Tuesday, 2 May.
The news of Sodimejo’s death, who is from Sragen, Solo, Indonesia, was delivered by the police deputy head of Sambungmacan Sector, First Inspector Zaeni.
Sodimejo was also known as Mbah Gotho by locals.
First Inspector Zaeni told Detik News that Mbah Gotho died in Sragen’s army hospital (RSUD Sragen) on Sunday (30 Apr) at 5:45 pm. His body was buried on Monday at 11:00 pm, at the Plumbon Village Public Cemetery in District Sambungmacan, Sragen.
“Mr Sodimejo, alias Mbah Gotho, has died at the age of 146 years due to illness,” First Inspector Zaeni said.

 Mbah Gotho with his family / photo: Detik News
Mr Zaeni also said that Mbah Gotho was treated several times in RSUD Sragen because of his illness. Previously, he had always asked to be taken home.
Based on his identity card, Mbah Gotho was born in December, 1870. When asked, Gotho could talk and narrate about the sugar factory in his area that was built in the late 1800s.
Mbah Ghoto’s identity card / photo: Detik News
Gotho, who had prepared for his death since he was 122-years-old, claimed in 2016 that he wanted to die soon, Detik News reported.
Mbah Ghoto in 2016 / photo: Detik News
Mbah Ghoto said, “The grass no longer exists, the plant no longer exists, the animal no longer exists, all have become ‘a gendhing’ (a song). You still see it all there, but now for me it has become a song.”
“I am in front of the Almighty of the universe now, just waiting for the moment,” Mbah Gotho had said.

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