Source: Nick Sim Instagram account.

Videos of “rain” happening within Raffles Places station on Wednesday (19 April) afternoon made its rounds on social media. Puddles were also seen around the station.
Nadhini Rad posted on her Twitter account directed to Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT).
She wrote, “What is happening at Raffles Place? An announcement could be useful.”
A video of the incident was attached to the tweet.
Nick Sim also posted on his Instagram account the video of the incident.
He wrote, “It is “raining” inside Raffles Place MRT towards Changi direction. The floor is wet and so do be careful when you happen to be there.”

Nick Sim’s Instagram video showing the “rainfall” at the station
SMRT told The Straits Times that a fire alarm that went off was accidentally triggered by a contractor who was working to repair a lift in the station, causing the fire sprinklers to turn on.
Mr Patrick Nathan, vice president of corporate information and communications at SMRT, said, “A fire alarm was triggered at Raffles Place MRT station last evening, causing the fire sprinklers to turn on and shutters to come down for safety.”
He said that cleaners were mobilised to clear the water immediately as staff reset the shutters.
“We apologise for the inconvenience,” he said.

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