The Singapore Police Force (SPF) has conducted several joint enforcement operations targeting public entertainment outlets, massage establishments and drink driving from 17 March 2017 to 16 April 2017 which led to the arrest of a total of 132 suspects for various offences.
The islandwide operations were led by the police and supported by officers from the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) and Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF).
According to the police, the majority were arrested for employment-related offences and being members of an unlawful society. A total of 54 public entertainment outlets and massage establishments were also found to have breached licensing conditions. Some of the public entertainment outlets were also issued with notices fire safety offences by the SCDF.
A total of 54 public entertainment outlets and massage establishments were also found to have breached licensing conditions. While some of the public entertainment outlets were also issued with notices fire safety offences by the SCDF.
The traffic police also conducted enforcement operations against drink driving. During the operation, it arrested a total of 13 motorists.
Investigations against the suspects are ongoing.
The police stressed that it take a serious view against illegal activities and will work closely with other law enforcement agencies to clamp down these activities, adding that offenders will be dealt with in accordance with the law.

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