PA launched Silver WaVe initiative to engage senior citizens to be more active

PA launched Silver WaVe initiative to engage senior citizens to be more active

People’s Association aims to take 1,000 senior citizens into water sports yearly, such as pedal boating under its new initiative, Silver WaVe, which was launched on Saturday (15 April).
Aimed at senior citizens aged 55 and above, the programme would enable them to learn how to operate the vessels.
According to PA, these boats were chosen for the initiative as they are very safe, and do not need a lot of physical energy to handle. The boats can also be easily propelled by moving the medals the user’s feet.
Those who are interested in doing the programme can find the vessels at PAssion WaVe at Marina Bay during weekends, between Wednesday and Sundays.
Each Silver WaVe participant needs to pay $5 for a two-hour orientation programme with each class made up of between three and eight senior citizens.
The participants need to pay for $2 to rent a two-seater pedal boat and $10 for a four-seater pedal boat for an hour.
Those who are interested in joining this initiative can register themselves online via onePA.
Participants can also join bell boating, where they use oars to paddle the boat, which looks similar to a canoe, with their arms.
PA said that Silver WaVe is designed to create more opportunities for senior citizens to experience water sports with their family members and friends, which is part of a larger national drive to promote a healthy lifestyle for active agers.
Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim spoke to reporters at its launch at the PAssion WaVe @ Marina Bay water sports hub at Rhu Cross near Gardens by the Bay East, saying that the elderly are a valuable resource and they need to find ways to remain active.
“The elderly of tomorrow will be highly educated, well trained, well educated and therefore they can contribute not just in terms of activities but also to the economy. I think we can continue to tap into this very important resource pool for our country so that we can continue to move forward,” he said.
Chairman of PA’s Water-Venture Committee (Marina Bay) Celine Koh said, “As our population continues to age, we see an increasing call for our community to continue engaging our seniors. With the Silver WaVe programme, we aim to offer an array of viable lifestyle pursuits that would keep our silver generation active through the ages.”

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