Sengakang-Punggol LRT Line (Source : Wikipedia).

SBS Transit will be conducting maintenance works on the Sengkang and Punggol Light Rail Transit (LRT) systems on Sundays over the next five months. This is part of a continuation of maintenance works that have been undertaken on the guideways since December 2015.
Guideways are paths on which the Light Rail Vehicles (LRV) move and their maintenance is essential as they can become bumpy over time, due to wear-and-tear.
SBS Transit noted that works will begin on Sunday (23 April) and are expected to end on 10 September 2017.
On these affected Sundays, it said that one platform will be closed as the power supply to its guideways will need to be turned off for safety reasons.
“The works will involve hacking of concrete and cutting of metal bars while temporary sound barriers will be put up to reduce the noise generated,” it said.
SBS Transit stressed that the maintenance works will not affect LRT services, which will be available at all stations. However, the LRVs will operate only on one platform.
“The closed platform will open for service at 5.30pm on maintenance days,” it added.
SBS Transit also said that publicity posters will be put up at the LRT stations to keep commuters informed of the maintenance works that will be carried out.

Yesterday (12 April), Land Transport Authority (LTA) and Singapore Mass Rapid Transit announced that the trial of the new signalling system for the North-South Line (NSL) will be extended to a full day on Sundays from 16 April 2017.

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谴责听证会审问异议者 加国学者声援覃炳鑫

再有国际学者跨海声援本地历史学者覃炳鑫博士,谴责新加坡国会“应对网络蓄意假消息”特选委员会,恶意打压覃博士针对新国历史的异议,严重侵害和不尊重学术自由,有必要向后者作出公开道歉。 加拿大大学讲师协会(CAUT)认可覃炳鑫博士的历史学者身份,专研上世纪5、60年代新加坡独立斗争史实。该协会以执行总监大卫罗宾逊名义,致函上述特委会主席暨新加坡国会副议长张有福,作出严正抗议。 该协会控诉,在今年3月由国会特选委员会召开的“应对网络蓄意假消息”的公开听证会,覃炳鑫遭六个小时的恶意盘问,已偏离原本要讨论的陈情书内容,实则藉此驳斥覃的历史观点和对政府的批评。 “覃炳鑫的研究已经受过同行的评议,但是在质询过程,特委会意图透过断章取义的方式,质疑覃炳鑫的历史观点。特选委员会的质询侵害了覃炳鑫的学术自由,以及在免于被当权者报复下发表其研究的权益。” 捍卫学者发表学术观点 拥有70万教职员会员的加拿大讲师协会称,该会致力捍卫学术自由,学者们传授、学习、研究和出版他们的研究或思想,应免于受任何体制或教条的规范、报复或歧视。 “覃博士受到的对待,彰显了新加坡当权者对待学界的态度,也威压国内其他学者行使他们的学术自由。” 为研究应对网路上蓄意散播的假消息,新加坡政府从2018年3月14日至29日,国会特选委员会召开公开听证会,广纳谏言,收集公民组织意见。在最后一天,却上演成律法部长沙姆甘针对覃炳鑫的审问。 然而,覃炳鑫提到1963年冷藏行动和1987年光谱逮捕行动,目的在于政治利益,而非国家安全问题,批评人民行动党和前总理李光耀,才是假新闻的散播者,引起律法部长善姆甘等人围剿。 针对上世纪50、60年代期间,新加坡是否有共产主义阴谋散布?左翼份子是否受马共唆使企图进行不利新加坡的政治活动,才有必要进行逮捕行动,覃炳鑫和善姆甘展开六小时的审问拉锯战。 质疑覃炳鑫历史观的理据 在过程中,善姆甘以“是或不是”、“同不同意”、“你有读过这些资料吗?”“对与否”等威权式的提问,无意与覃炳鑫对话,过度简化复杂的历史争议,其背后意图却是要质疑覃炳鑫历史研究的正当性和理据。…

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