Joo Koon Station. Singapore Metro map from

Singapore Mass Rapid Transit (SMRT) announced another delay in train service this morning at around 8am on its East-West Line due to a train fault.
On its Twitter account, SMRT asked commuters to add 25 minutes of travelling time between Joo Koon and Queenstown, adding that train service was still available.

It then added that free regular bus services were available between both stations.

An hour after its first tweet, SMRT stated that the train fault has cleared and trains were progressively returning to normal speed. However, commuters were still asked to add 10 minutes of travelling time.

A moment later, it announced that the service of the line has resumed and free regular bus services had ceased.

This is the second disruption which occurred in less than 24 hours. On Monday (10 April), SMRT announced a service disruption due to a screen door fault at the Bedok station platform.
Some commuters complained that the disruptions are happening too often and questions SMRT as to why it happens mostly during peak hours.
Melissa also asked on her Twitter account the reason the train kept on jerking.
Another commuter, Ginayap, asked why the train still went very slowly after it passed Queenstown.

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藐视法庭罪成被罚款1.5万元 李绳武讽“三个字花了三年审讯”

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