Heartwarming example of parenting skills done right

Heartwarming example of parenting skills done right

Local actor, writer and director Jeremiah Choy posted on his Facebook page on Sunday (2 April) a heartwarming example of great parenting skills.
Mr Jeremiah wrote that he was having breakfast at Toast Box when he witnessed two boys being naughty.
Whilst the father of these two boys went to get food, the two boys started hounding a little girl at the other table by pointing and shouting ‘stop’ at her.
To Mr Jeremiah’s surprise, the girl’s mother gently pulled the little girl aside and told her to ignore the boys.
However, emboldened by her retreat, the boys became slightly more aggressive and went even closer to her.
“What happened next were two great parenting skills I feel very proud of,” Mr Jeremiah wrote.
He said that instead of screaming at the boys, the mother of the girl used this opportunity to tell the girl to stand her ground and to ignore the boys.
Mr Jeremiah said that the little girl was not frightened by the boy bullies, but instead, smiled at them.
Unsure of this smiling girl, the boys then retreated back to their seats.
The young girl’s mother then told the girl to never be afraid of ‘bullies’ and that boys ‘are just being naughty, but never let them bully you’.
Mr Jeremiah wrote that the two boys’ father observed his sons from afar.
When he returned with the food, he immediately apologised to the little girl and her mother.
Again, Mr Jeremiah was pleasantly surprised when the father did not ‘lecture’ his sons. Instead, as he was feeding his sons, he told the boys in a calm, firm, and fatherly manner that they were being rude and behaved in an ‘ungentlemanly’ way.
After the boys had their food, the father nudged them to the little girl to apologise to both her and her mother.
Mr Jeremiah noted that to which, the mother told the girl to wave goodbye to the boys.
“Lessons were well learned by the children given by great examples set by their parents. And well learned by me to keep faith in the next generations,” Mr Jeremiah ended.

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