SkillsFuture Singapore to provide more programmes for Polytechnic and ITE graduates

SkillsFuture Singapore to provide more programmes for Polytechnic and ITE graduates

SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG) has announced its expansion in the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme (ELP) to provide more polytechnic and ITE graduates with opportunities.
The ELP is a work-learn programme that enables polytechnic and ITE graduates to concurrently deepen their skills and gain a head-start in their careers.
SSG stated that it will be increasing the number of ELP programmes this year to 60, which is a 50 percent increase as compared to the 40 programmes available in 2016.
It noted that programmes will be available in new sectors such as Building Services, Human Resource, Medical Technology, and Sports & Wellness.
With the expansion, SSG said that it aims to place 1,000 ELP participants in 2017, an increase from last year, which saw over 500 students placed in the programme.
SSG has also extended the window for ELP enrollment after polytechnic or ITE graduation, or National Service (NS) Operationally Ready Date (ORD) for male Singaporeans, from one year to three years.
To better support male Singaporeans who will be entering NS, provisional acceptance will also be offered into ELP. As such, they may now apply for the ELP prior to entering NS and embark on the ELP immediately after the completion of their NS.
In addition, SSG said that there will be more options available under the ELP. ITE institutions will start offering ELP leading to an ITE Technical Diploma, targeted at ITE graduates. The Autonomous Universities (AUs) will also be involved in ELPs that are targeted at polytechnic graduates.
Together with the Polytechnics, it noted that the AUs will jointly develop and deliver ELP in consultation with the industry partners.
SSG added that participants can undertake some modules in the AUs as part of the ELP which will facilitate articulation to the universities. Upon completion of the ELP, participants can continue to pursue a relevant university degree programme, with credit exemptions.
As a start, Temasek Polytechnic will partner with Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT) to deliver ELP in sectors such as Building Services, Facilities Management, and Infocomm Technology.
“More details will be announced at a later stage,” it noted.
Mr Ng Cher Pong, Chief Executive of SkillsFuture Singapore (SSG), said, “A key component of SkillsFuture is providing more opportunities and pathways for Singaporeans to achieve their learning and career goals, so that there is a seamless continuum between working and learning. The enhancements to the SkillsFuture Earn and Learn Programme will allow more polytechnic and ITE students to combine gaining work experience with pursuing more structured learning.”
“By doing so, they will be better placed to achieve their career goals and work towards skills mastery. SSG will continue to work closely with the industry and PSEIs to enable more Singaporeans to benefit from the ELP, especially in growing sectors,” he added.
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