Extended Tanah Merah Coast Road at Changi East to be opened on 22 April

Extended Tanah Merah Coast Road at Changi East to be opened on 22 April

The Land Transport Authority (LTA) announced that it has completed the extended Tanah Merah Coast Road at Changi East and it will be open to the public on 22 April 2017 (Saturday) at 7pm.
The Authority said that it had widened the existing Tanah Merah Coast Road and built a new dual three-lane extension to link it to Aviation Park Road.
It noted that the extended Tanah Merah Coast Road will replace Changi Coast Road, which will be closed on 22 April, 7pm, to facilitate development works for Changi Airport Runway 3 and the new Terminal 5. Motorists can also use the new road as a connection from the East Coast Parkway to Changi Village.
In conjunction with the new road’s opening, Bus Service 35 which currently plies Changi Coast Road will be rerouted along the new road. Two pairs of new bus stops serving Changi Lodge 2 and Changi Naval Base will also be opened.

Source : LTA.
LTA then said that a new park connector running along the extended Tanah Merah Coast Road, linking the existing park connector coming from East Coast Park to the existing park connector at Aviation Park Road, will also be opened to replace the existing park connector along Changi Coast Road.
“The extended Tanah Merah Coast Road will feature an additional on-road cycling lane on both sides of the road,” it said. In response to requests, LTA had been able to set aside, for now, sufficient space for an on-road cycling lane for sports cyclists who currently use the existing Changi Coast Road for training and are likely to switch to using the extended Tanah Merah Coast Road when Changi Coast Road is closed. LTA does not have plans to build more on-road cycling lanes. Given the lack of land in Singapore, LTA will focus on building off-road cycling paths. They are much safer for the majority of cyclists and personal mobility device users.  Please refer to
The on-road cycling lane is one-way and will have the following features:

  • Approximately 2m-wide lane to cater for two cyclists abreast.
  • Cyclist logos to highlight that it is a cycling lane.
  • Raised profile chevron markings to demarcate it from the vehicular carriageway, and alert motorists when they veer into the cycling lane.
  • Red transverse marking at transition zones before and after road junctions to alert cyclists to look out for turning vehicles and remind motorists to give way to cyclists.
  • Cycling lane is diverted behind bus stops to minimise interaction between buses and cyclists.
Source : LTA.
Source : LTA.
LTA reminds motorists and cyclists to follow traffic rules and exercise caution as the area is expected to be heavily used by heavy vehicles for airport expansion works. Motorists are advised to drive carefully.
“They are advised to look out for cyclists using the on-road cycling lane and not to drive into the on-road cycling lane at all times. Cyclists should be alert and be on the lookout for traffic, especially turning vehicles,” it said.
“They should not venture out of the on-road cycling lane onto the road itself.  Recreational cyclists are advised to use the park connector instead of the on-road cycling lane”.

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