Video demostrating how not to signal when riding bicycles

Video demostrating how not to signal when riding bicycles

Many people choose to use a bicycle nowadays when travelling as it saves our environment, reduces traffic and bus fare.
However, many still do not practice the proper procedure on how to ride the vehicle and signal when riding the bicycle.
A video posted on Singapore Road Accident Facebook page shows a bicycle being hit by a car when a cyclist tried to take the rightmost lane.
The cyclist signalled that he is moving right but did not turn his head back to check for incoming traffic and turned at a very fast speed before being knocked over by a taxi.

There are some universal rules and signs that the cyclist must always bear in mind.
Cyclists must remember to use the proper hand signals.
About 45 metres before the turn, cyclists must extend their arms towards the direction that they are going. However, do not assume that all other vehicles have seen the signals. Therefore, they must glance at their back quickly to check the traffic before making the turn.
Cyclists also need to make a stop signal. About 45 metres before stopping, they need to raise their elbow until it is perpendicular to your body, point the fingers towards the pavement and palm facing the traffic with riders behind. Cyclists also must remember to hold this position until they come to a full stop.
Apart from using hand signals, Cyclists must always wear helmets for their own safety. They too have the same right and must follow the same rules as people in cars, trucks, or motorcycles.
Cyclists must stop behind the crosswalk so that pedestrians can cross the road safely. They have to stay on the road too and walk by the bicycle if they have to be on the sidewalk.
They must always remember to always go with the flow of the road. Never go against traffic. They must bring the light in case they have to ride during the night so other vehicles can see them.
Keep an ear clear is also one important thing to remember, so the cyclists are able to hear for the oncoming traffic.

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