Source : Google map.

A 21-year-old man was falling to his death at the Marina One construction site on Wednesday (1 March) morning, hitting another worker on the third storey as he landed.
Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) said it was alerted to the incident at around 11.10am and dispatched two ambulances.
Unfortunately, the 21-year-old man Bangladeshi was pronounced dead at the scene by paramedics.
The other man, 38, sustained neck injuries as the body of the 21-year-old man hit him. The man, also Bangladeshi, was then conveyed to Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and in a stable condition at the moment.
The 21-year-old man fell off the 22nd storey and was found on the third storey without a safety harness. According to The Straits Times, the man was believed to have been off-duty.
Construction worker Muhammad Nazrul, 28, told The Straits Times that the man who died was called Tanim.
Tanim came from the district of Meherpur in south-western Bangladesh and had been working on the Marina One project for nine months, adding that Tanim is a good man.
Another worker from India, who wanted to be known only as Raja, also told The Straits Times that Tanim’s colleagues believe he had jumped off the 22nd floor, saying that the man was known to have family problems.
The main contractors for the Marina One project is a Korean consortium of Hyundai Engineering & Construction and GS Engineering and Construction.
The spokesperson from the company wrote an email statement, saying, “We are saddened to hear of the unnatural incident at the construction site at Marina Bay. Our deepest condolences and thoughts are with the family during this difficult time.”
The spokesman then added, “We will work closely with the police to provide our utmost assistance in the investigation of this matter.”
Police have classified the case as an unnatural death and investigations are ongoing.

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